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It's the first day of winter holidays and I am overjoyed. Well technically it's the first Monday of the holidays but still it's my first day that I didn't have to go to school when I would have otherwise. I had woken up late and enjoying every second of sleep that I had gotten. It had been forever since I had slept in that long. My dad had told me the night before not to worry about chores, that he was good to do them, and to just sleep in. The problem living on a farm is that you can never sleep in. Unless you have an awesome dad like mine who occasionally understands my desperate need for sleep, but that doesn't happen often.

I crawl out of bed and stretch standing and up then, not feeling like getting up quite yet, falling back down into the soft blankets sighing happily. Turning my head to look over at the clock I see that it is almost eleven. I rub my eyes and yawn pushing myself clumsily up off my bed  and walking over to open my curtains.

Throwing them open I am blinded by the sun glistening off the snow. I blink a few times shading my eyes from the sun. After my eyes adjust to the light I smile and look out across the yard at the barn. I see Conner out beside the barn taking Amber, my beautiful chestnut mare, out to the paddock for the day. Grinning I grab a sweatshirt and throw on some jeans and then run down the stairs to the kitchen.

" Morning dad" I say walking past him giving him a hug as I head to the fridge and grab the water jug and a glass pouring myself some water taking a sip.

" Morning hon" he says looking up from the paper he is reading " glad it's holiday time."

" More than you could ever guess" I say looking over my shoulder at him smiling popping some bread into the toaster and pushing it down." I can't remember the last time I had such a good sleep."

" Well I'm glad you enjoyed it because it's back to getting up to do chores the rest of the holidays" he says grinning at me. I roll my eyes and glance out across the snow covered yard. I see Conner walking towards the house and smile watching him.

" Oh I almost forgot" he says snapping me out of my daze " I was wondering if you could go up to the cabin later today and close it up for the winter. It wouldn't be too big of a job and you should be back home by Wednesday at the latest."

" Yeah sure no problem" I say taking my toast out of the toaster when it pops. " I have nothing else planned and I can take the horses up with me. I'll be back down Wednesday night for supper."

" Great thank you" he says looking relieved. " I also asked Conner to go along with you to help. I figured it would go faster that way and that you would enjoy the company."

I stare at him in disbelief almost dropping the peanut butter on my way back over to the counter. He invited Conner, his best friends son and my biggest crush, without asking me. " Hey dad it's ok I'll be fine on my own" I say trying to sound calm as I unscrew the lid to the jar. I try and keep a relaxed face but inside I'm freaking out. Three days and two  nights alone with him. I shiver, if only he seemed to want to spend more time with me.

" No buts Siena, I don't want you going up alone and you know Conner. You two will be fine" he says assuring me in a tone that told me not to argue with him.

I nod and take a bite of my toast trying to calm my racing heart. I've had a crush on Conner for as long as I can remember. We were close when we were little but now he seems a little distant. Maybe this trip is a good idea. We'll be able to talk and maybe I'll find out why he never wants to spend time with me anymore. Maybe I'll even summon the courage to tell him how I really feel. What am I kidding that will never happen.

I finish my breakfast and am about to head up to my room to pack a bag when Conner walks into the kitchen banging his boots off on the mat by the door.

" Good morning Matt" Conner says friendly " How are you today."

" Very well Conner thank you" he says leaning back in his chair " Are you ready to head up to the cabin?"

" All set" he says " The trailer is hitched and I'm about to load the horses. I was just coming in to make sure that Siena was ready first." He looks over at me and I smile shyly. I was never like this when I was little but as I've gotten older even though he's my best friend I have started to feel shy around him.

" I'll be ready in a few minutes" I say blushing and then turning to run up the stairs tripping up the first one and falling, the scrambling up the rest hurrying to my room. I get up to my room and groan. Why do I always have to act like that around him. I always get tongue tied and can never think straight. I shake my head and then hurry to pack a bag. I grab a pair of leggings, a long sleeved shirt, thick sweater, some jogging pants and a hoodie for pyjamas. I then throw some long fluffy socks in. Throwing my bag on my bed and then heading to the bathroom I grab my toiletry bag. I throw in my toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash and lip balm as well as my hairbrush and a few elastics.

Bringing my toiletry bag back to my room I put it in my overnight bag. I grab my charger, phone and headphones and zip my bag up. I still have some stuff up at the cabin that I plan to bring back home with me that I can use if I forgot anything. I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder heading down the stairs. When I reach the bottom I drop my bag by the door and grab my snow pants from the shelf. I throw on my jacket and give my dad a hug goodbye.

" See you later kiddo" he says waving.

" Bye dad love you" I say grabbing my bag and snow pants hurrying out the door. I run down the front steps and out to the truck. The cold wind hits me as I head around the corner of the house. Shivering I hurry to the truck. Throwing my stuff in the backseat I hurry round the back of the trailer to see Conner just finishing loading the horses. He shuts the trailer and turns to me.

" Ready to go" I say smiling at him.

" Yeah lets go" he says checking the trailer door and then walking around to the drivers side. He opens the door and slides in starting the truck. I hurry around the other side and slide in the passenger side shutting the door against the bitter wind. As soon as the door closes he lets up on the break and we head out. I take a shaky breath, I still can't believe this is happening. I buckle my seatbelt and relax against the seat. I look over at Conner and smile before gazing out the window at the winter wonderland around me.

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