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Siena's pov

I don't know how long I had been lying there but it felt eternity. I had tried not to move in fear of being suffocated and had just waited, praying that someone would come find me. After only a few minutes I am numb and am getting tired. I force myself to stay awake as I shiver violently. Just as I am about to close my eyes I feel something warm brush my cheek. I struggle to keep my eyes open for a few seconds longer, just long enough to see Conners face appear above me a look of concern on his face. I smile weakly and then let my eyes close and I lose consciousness.

I can vaguely remember him then lifting me up carrying me into the house but not much more than that and I'm not even sure if what I remember is real.


I groan and open my eyes looking around. I'm on the couch back at the cabin. There is a fire going and I have what looks to be three blankets on top of me. I shiver still feeling numb and sit up slowly pulling one of the blankets around my shoulders. I look down and see that my feet are resting on Conners lap. He is reading a book and looks over when he sees that I am awake.

" Hey you're awake" he says smiling over at me and putting his book down. " How are you feeling."

" My brains a little fuzzy and I'm freezing but other than that I'm ok" I say pulling the blankets up even higher. " What happened to me. I remember riding down the mountain but other than that I can't remember anything."

" I don't know exactly what happened but I do know that I had to dig you out of I huge pile of snow" he says shifting so he's sitting cross legged facing me. " I'm assuming that an avalanche hit and that Amber spooked and you fell off. Then the snow came down on top of you. I don't know how long you were there before I found you but the only reason I did was because Amber was standing there right over you."

" She was" I say sitting up taller and crossing my legs in front of me shivering still. " Is she ok?"

" She never left your side" he says " And yes she is ok. She's back in the barn with Jasper. They are both fine so don't worry ok."

I smile and sink a little lower on the couch finally starting to get some feeling back in my feet. I look up to see Conner looking at me. He smiles at me and I look away quickly.

"So" I say finally " How did you find me so quickly. I wasn't gone for that long, I mean don't get me wrong I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't but I want to know why. Did you decide to come ride with me after all or was there something else."

" Well I just... I um had a feeling that, well you... umm needed me" he says stumbling over his worlds and then turning red looking down at his hands.

" Are you sure that's all?" I ask teasing him my teeth chattering a little bit. His face turns even reder and he gets up hurriedly mumbling something about getting more fire wood. I smile after him shivering more and then sliding down the back of the couch and curling up, I let sleep take over.

When I wake up I hear Conner in the kitchen probably making something for dinner. I stand up slowly pulling a blanket around my shoulders and walking toward the kitchen. I am feeling a bit warmer but I still can't feel my hands and the rest of my body is still cold but I am not shivering as violently now, just a little bit.

" Watcha making" I say going to stand beside him by the stove.

" I thought that you might want some soup to warm you up so I'm making your favourite" he says smiling over at me.

" Your homemade tomato soup" I ask hopefully getting excited.

" You sure know me well" he says stirring the soup and then placing the spoon beside the stove.

I grin " Yeah I guess I do."

" Why don't you go back and sit down by the fire to keep warm and I'll bring you over a bowl when it's ready" he says turning to me.

" Ok" I say starting to walk out of the kitchen before turning around. " Wait aren't we supposed to be leaving tonight to go home."

" We were but I texted your dad saying that we need some more time up here" he says. " Don't worry he told me not worry about it and to just take our time and he'll see us when we get back."

" So you didn't tell him about my accident?" I ask him resting up against the wall.

" No I didn't, I didn't want him to worry" he says taking two bowls out of the cupboard.

" Ok well thank you" I say turning around and walking back to the living room. I sit down on the couch in front of the fire wrapping the blankets I left on the couch around me and leaning back against the back of the couch.

I look over my shoulder after a few minutes to see Conner walking into the living room with two bowls of soup and two cups of hot chocolate. I smile as he hands me a bowl and a mug.

" Thank you " I say putting my mug on the coffee table and wrapping my hands around the soup bowl.

" Come here" he says to me putting his arm out. I look at him surprised. " Oh come on you'll warm up faster I know your still frozen solid."

I smile and slid over beside him. Curling into his side my heart beating faster and my hands getting clammy. He was right I suddenly feel warmer. He smiles down at me and I blush resting my head on his shoulder. He holds me closer. I don't remember the last time we were this close, it probably hasn't been since we were ten or eleven when we were so close we could have been siblings. I sigh and bring the blanket closer around me and take a bite of my soup. Maybe getting buried by a huge pile of snow was worth it if this is what happens.

" So what's new in your life" I ask looking up at him.

"What do you mean" he asks looking confused. I laugh shaking my head.

" Well it's been forever since we have just sat down and talked to each other" I say placing my bowl down and shifting so I'm looking at him. " We used to have evenings all the time where we would just sit down and vent to each other and now it's been almost four months maybe more since we have had one of those."

" Yeah I guess it has been a while" he says thinking. " I'm sorry Si I've just been so busy he says pulling me back to sit next to him his body heat radiating to me. I shift over and curl back into his side.

" Just promise that from now on you will find time for me" I say closing my eyes. " Your my best friend and I miss you."

" I promise" he says. I smile and pull the blanket up closer to my chin and sigh. I haven't  been this happy in a long time.

" Why don't we get in our pyjamas and then come back down and watch a movie" Conners say to me nudging my shoulder.

" Ok I guess" I say groaning but standing up dragging a blanket up with me walking towards the stairs. I hear a chuckle and look back to see Conner looking at me.

" What" I ask rolling my eyes.

" Nothing, nothing at all."

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