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Hi my name's TheClicheGirl and you're watching me not update *tries and fails to draw the Disney channel logo*

let me just say that i swear to god there is a plot and i do kind of know what im doing its just. i honestly have no excuse. im losing all motivation to do everything :) feel free to comment and bully me here. 

At first I don't realize what's happening. Strong wind blows from right behind me makes my hair fly into my face, obscuring my vision of the sky and Puck flying above me. 

Seconds pass like minutes. I see, almost in slow motion, as panic blooms on Puck's face. His wings start to fold into his body as he leans forward to dive after me. The second he took to process the situation, however, has made me fall over a third of the way to the ground.

I still feel strangely calm, however. Even as the wind whips my shirt and tangles my hair. Even though I know how far up we are, know what happens to people when they fall from this height.

Even as I watch, still in slow motion, Puck's wings disappear entirely for less resistance, desperate to catch up to me.
I don't know how long I've been falling, though it obviously can't be more than a second or two. It feels like 10 minutes, but the panic still hasn't set in. Maybe there's still some part of my brain that thinks Puck will save me once again, he sure does seem to be trying. The distance between us has decreased, but when I turn my head to see how far from the ground we are I see the road rapidly nearing.
I close my eyes.
Pain bursts in my thighs and shoulders. I figure it's because I've hit the ground, but instead of continuing my downward decent I shoot to the side.
My eyes jolt open.

I see Puck's face above me grimacing, and his wings unfurled behind him. We continue parallel to the ground for a second until his knees start to scrape the pavement, slowing us down. When we finally stop, he releases his deadly grip on my legs and shoulders, letting me fall unceremoniously the last few inches to the road.

I squeeze my eyes shut. We stay there for a while, both panting from exertion and adrenaline. I slowly release the tension in my fingers, which I only now realize were digging my nails so hard into my palms I drew blood.
We sit there like that until both of us are breathing relatively normally.
I sit up slowly, wincing as I hear Puck hiss in pain. I look at him to find the knees of his jeans completely shredded, and the skin underneath nearly the same. His eyes are squeezed shut, his jaw clenched.
"Puck, I-I'm so sorry," I choke out. "I thought, I thought we were closer to the ground, I thought it was fine, I-"

He cuts me off, "Don't."

I stop, watching as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Every time I try to help you, you push me away, insisting you can do it. But sometimes you can't, Sabrina. I wish you could see that."

As he talks, headlights approach along the road. I prepare to defend against everafters that would want to hurt us, but when the door opens I hear Granny gasp.
"Lieblings, what happened?" She says, worry coating her tone.

"We, we were in the air. He was flying us home and I, I thought we were closer to the ground, I thought I could just jump down. But, but we were up and I was falling and-" A chocked sob cuts me off, the fear the fall catching up as I describe it.

"Shh shh, it's okay," she says, stroking my hair. "Jake," she calls. "Puck needs healing."

Uncle Jake gets out of the car, searching through the pockets of his jacket as he walks. He pulls out a long, thin, yellow wand and crouches beside Puck, who still has his eyes squeezed shut.

He whistles. "That pavement did a number on you, huh?" He doesn't wait for an answer before he taps the wand on both of Puck's knees. Yellow smoke poofs out of the tip and when it clears his knees are fine.
"How about we... take the car? At ground level?" Daphne says quietly, at some point having gotten out of the car.

Granny nods and we all start to walk to the car. Except Puck, whose wings pop out and start to carry him up and into the forest. Uncle Jake goes to yell after him, but Granny puts a hand on his arm.

"Let him think."

wohoo actually updating! i'm not even gonna give excuses anymore lol.

thanks to everyone who encouraged me to get the motivation to write this, and thanks for waiting such a long time lol

i would die for all of yall <3


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