Chapter 3

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The one in iron looked confused, "You have never heard of us? We are the avengers! Defenders of Earth!" "No. The Justice League and Young Justice are the defenders of Earth. I have never heard of any of you. Now. Do you have a computer room or what?" I asked. He pointed to a plane and gestured for me to get inside. "No. I will ride on the outside so I don't get killed by you guys inside and if need be I can jump off," I said then I jumped on the roof of it. "You will get hurt kid. That goes faster than anything you have ever experienced," the guy with the bow said. "Ha! I doubt it goes faster than the Batmobile," I laughed, "Just get in your plane and drive kids." They reluctantly got in and watched me from below. The plane was not what I would call fast. It was nowhere near the Batmobile. I sighed and I pulled up my holowatch. I looked through recent news. Something was off. None of these cities are supposed to exist. There is even news about the so called Avengers. I finally understood what happened. Joker's gun transported me to a different universe.

When they arrived I ignored them and hacked blueprints for the building. I followed the blueprints until I reached the only good thing these people have: a giant computer. I slid into the seat and began to type. "Don't you want the password kid?" the man in iron asked. "Nope. I already hacked it," I said nonchalantly. "No way. It is unhackable!" he exclaimed. I connected my communicator to the large computer and called the batcave. Batman appeared on the screen and he looked angry, "Who are you?" I smiled and jumped up, "Batman it's me! Robin! I'm alive!" "No you aren't. I don't know who is playing this sick joke but Robin has been dead for a month. He was disintegrated by the Joker," Batman said, "Bye." The screen went dark as I was pleading, "No wait! I... Uhhh! He hung up! I can call KF!" I began typing on my computer and then a new face popped up on screen, "Who is it? Only one person knows how to call me using this!" I needed to be quick and explain, "Wait! Don't hang up. It's me Robin! I was teleported to a different dimension when Joker shot me! I am not dead! You need to get Batman and the team to believe me! Please KF!" "Robin? You have been gone for a month. Why are you just now calling?" Wally asked. "It must have taken that long for me to travel here because I just arrived an hour ago," I said, "Get to the team. I need help." Wally looked down, "Robin. The team disbanded. I am the only one that is still a hero. You were our leader Rob. When you left so did everyone else. I will try to get in contact with them but Superboy and Miss Martian went to visit Mars. Aqualad went back to Atlantis. Artemis is in Star City with her mother. I am in Gotham." "Wait. Why are you in Gotham?" I asked. "Batman hasn't been the same since. He needed help in Gotham and since I am the only one who remotely knows Gotham villains. I was the only option. I am another hero of Gotham. Thank goodness you're coming back because I just got this job last week and it sucks. I hate Gotham. You can't even walk around without getting mugged," Wally explained, "Who is behind you?" I glanced behind me, "Just some heroes on this world. They think I am some sort of villain. They are amateurs believe me. KF? Do you still have the gun that sent me here?" Wally looked around, "Yeah." "I know this is a lot to ask KF but I need to build a device on this Earth to send me back. Can you make a few tweaks to that one and send yourself over?" I begged.

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