Chapter 3: Tour

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"Where's Candy and Brownie?They're taking a while.I'm kind of worried that they might not show up." Cake mumbled to herself but it's enough for her sister to hear her words.

"I'm pretty sure they're just late.Look!There's Brownie!" both of them was confused when they saw Brownie's frowning and exhausted face.Parts of it are covered with bandages and her eyes look so sleepy.Her is down and she's wearing a comfy brown sweater and jeans.

"What happened to you?" Cupcake asked.

"Something came up.Fluid fell from the shelf and  It destroyed my contraption.I'll fix it later,maybe I'll rest first.Where's Candy?" she hid her hands inside her pocket because it was a little cold outside.

"She'll be here any moment now I think,Candy is candid (more like candied) about her desire to be free from her work.She told me earlier that she had a bunch of marriage proposals and blind dates planned out by her Assistant but she didn't even appear to any of those meetings!!!She's so boringgg!!But I still love her though." all of them laugh in unison as they wait patiently for their friend to arrive.They saw a familiar silhouette from afar and recognized it as Candy.

Surprisingly,she has two young men accompanying her.

"Hi Candy,who are these people?" Cake asked as Candy slowly approached her friend.Milk locked his eyes to the unfamiliar woman with pieces of nuts on her head.Her hair is down and her sweater is..adorable.

Darn it.Staring is rude Milk.

"I met them,apparently they're lost so I'm here to show them to their new house.Guys,meet my friend." she motioned her hand to her friends as Cake waved her palm to the two young men.Cupcake remained emotionless while Brownie grinned.

"So?Which one is your boyfriend?" 

"W-what?N-no no no no!You have the wrong idea!!" Cookie waved his hands while his brother remained quite and slowly dying inside.

"Haha,just kidding.I'm Brownie.What are your names?" the other guy with milky white hair remained a strong...blank façade.Is he okay or mentally dead?

"Guys,I think this dude has lost it." she whispered to her back that made everyone frown.Brownie felt a warm palm toucher against her that made her lock her gaze back to the mysterious guy.

"I'm Milk,sorry for spacing out." Brownie gave him a reassuring smile as she turned to face the other guy that lookd like him.

"How about you?"

"I'm Cookie,pleasure to meet you Miss Brownie." he introduced himself as politely as he could because he fears Embarrasment way too much.

"Please,don't call me Miss.I don't look older than you but I prefer keeping my young aura within me even for a few years.Sorry Cookie." he just nodded in reply because he can't quite understand the words she just said.He decided to go along with it so he won't offend anyone...

"So?You guys hungry?" Cake asked the brothers.

"We haven't eaten anything since lunch...I'm starving..." Cookie whispered unfortunately everyone heard it.

"Let's go to the Sweetery then."

"Wow...this place looks so adorable!!!" Cookie complimented as he examined the cafés main interior.Everything looks so clean and shiny!!

"Thanks,I redecorated it so it can look fresh and cute.I Subtracted a few tables and took them outside if they want to order from our garden." Cookie was so amused by Cake's tour of the place.He had never seen any bakery like this before!!It's so cute and big!

"Here have a seat,we'll bring you food." both of the two men sat on one of the chairs while the remaining two ladies stood up and discussed a something important.After their discussion they took a seat beside the brothers that made them frozen in place.Brownie is sitting next to Milk while Candy sat beside Cookie.Brownie grabbed her tiny notebook from the pocket of her sweater and started to finish the sketch of her new invention.It was a bit...messy though...

"Can I know what that is?" Milk asked out of the blue.Brownie placed the notebook between the two of them,afterwards she started to point her pen towards the pages full of weird scriptures and writings he can't barely read.

"This is a the new googles I'm making.I'm trying to install various lenses for multiple uses.I've already added the night vision and light mode that still doesn't really work right now.But I'll be able to finish this in time I'm pretty sure of it.What do you think I should add?" she asked

"I don't,I might...destroy your ingenius way in upgrading a pair of goggles." he answered that made the lady shook her head.

"I'm open for suggestions!Come on!What are you waiting for?Tell me something I can add." he thought out of the box for the lady sitting beside him.He doesn't like the idea of looking stupid especially in front of a clever woman who can basically do anything so he thought long and deep about this...madness.And decided...

"How about x-ray?You can scan everything you know." Brownie's eyes twinkled in delight as she wrote his idea down on her paper.

"Thanks!!I'll get to it in a minute."

"Here's the food." Cookie's mouth watered as he glance at the plate of food sitting in front of him.It looks so appetizing...and so delicious....

"I hope you like it!" Cake shouted from the kitchen.

Cookie placed his hand on his belly while sighing satisfactoringly.He never tasted anything like this!It's awesome!!

"I made something light so you'll be able to take a good night sleep.Have some pudding." Cookie felt his belly was full but accept the desert.

Never shoo away good blessings!

"Cookie,have some shame will you?" his brother asked in a monotoned voice.

"Nope!Not this time bro,their dishes are so amazing!!I can't resist.If I eat here everyday I'll get fat!" Milk pinched the right cheek of his brother with a annoying look.

"At least have some manners.*sigh* You're hopeless." the four ladies cracked a smile as they continued watching the two of them eat their hearts out.It was actually really nice and fun watching the two of them.

After eating,Cookie and Milk gave their thanks as the four of them laughed with joy.After cleaning the dishes all of them went up to lead the two men into their new home.

"Oh,it's actually really close.Good thing you approached the right person or both of you will be sleeping outside." Cupcake mouthed as she kept her whole glance on the piece of paper.All of them started to walk through the dark alley and roads that are now empty and quiet.They hurriedly went to their house because the four women have this creepy vibe in their chest and it's not really a pleasant feeling to behold.When they found the house,the brothers unlocked the doors and searched the whole area.Most of their stuffed has arrived and that's actually good for once.

"It's actually pretty late,I think we should be going now." Cake suggested as she looked at the time in her watch,it's almost ten in the evening and they needed to take a sleep or all of them will look like rotten zombies in the boring.

"Thank you for the Tour Miss Candy,see you again soon!" the four women bid their goodbyes as they headed out to go home.Milk kept his eyes locked at them until he can no longer spot them in his sight.

"You like Miss Brownie don't you?" Cookie nudged him in the waist as he kept on laughing and grinning.He loves teasing his brother sometimes.

"I don't,how about you?Received Candy's telephone number yet?" Milk walked in like boss as his brother stoof frozen outside the gate.

"I forgot to ask that...oops."


Hugs and kisses!! -3-

~plebby nation (nnc)

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