haunted hell

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I was soundly asleep when I had been awoken abruptly to a heavy weight on top of me I opened my eyes to see her. The girl that was all over the new for her killings her white wings tucked in and her red and black hanging at the side of her face. She pressed a knife at my throat she leaned down whispering in my ear "hell has awoken" she then pressed the knife deeper and that's all I remember she slit my throat and left.

Hannah was a happy girl she had many friends she never had a dark mind she got on with her family. She wasn't unwell or anything. She was happy she and her brother had an unbreakable bond. But that all changed when he showed up driving both kids to insanity driving them off each other making one fear the other. How it all started was when Hannah moved house.

  Hannah and her family had recently moved house due to something that had happened Hannah's grandmother was dying her mother Grace thought they should move in with her mother. "Hannah can you grab your little brother for me," her father asked grabbing her brothers stuff. 15-year-old Hannah rolled her eyes grabbing her 6-year-old brother Jason her father walked in the house with Hannah and Jason following. Their grandmother had a nice house at the forest border it had 5 bedrooms 2 kitchens 3 bathrooms a family room and a basement.

"Hi mum," Hannah's mum said to her grandmother, Hannah left the room her family were in and headed to the basement where she saw a tall man in the corner but when she blinked he vanished confused Hannah started setting up a room as she needs a bit of space for her stuff. After unpacking she went upstairs for dinner she was grabbing a drink when she saw the tall man again standing in the woods. She shrugged it off as her imagination grabbing her cup sitting at the table. She made small talk with her grandmother May who she was very close too.

After dinner, Hannah took Jason down to her room where the pair spoke for a few hours Jason was getting tired so he said goodnight and heading to his room. He looked out the window and saw a tall man in a business suit he rubbed his eyes and he was gone. The man was standing at the entrance of the woods but suddenly disappeared "what on earth was that" Jason asked himself. He jumped into bed getting under the covers. His dream was kind of a vision he saw his sister turn insane as a puppet when he woke up he was very confused. He didn't tell anyone his dream though as they'd think he's insane.

Hannah was sitting in her room at her piano thinking about what she should do. While doing so she felt like she was being watched she had that feeling of needing to be sick her head was sore and her eyes were fuzzy. She heard static in her ears she saw something flash before her fuzzy eyes it disappeared and she passed out. Her brother came down to get her for dinner and tried waking her up "mum, dad" he screamed at the top of his lungs as his sister lay there lifeless.

Their parents rushed down to see Jason hugging Hannah's sleeping body "mike phone 999" Grace told her husband who nodded and called them. Grace got down beside her son and daughter "they said splash her with warm water" Mike worriedly told his wife Grace got warm water and splashed her daughter with it. Hannah jolted up "Hannah what happened," Grace asked her terrified daughter "I don't know" Hannah replied her brother confused.

"Hannah people don't just pass out" her mum replied worried "mum I'm fine" Hannah replied sounding more like a question. "Grace, maybe she is unwell," Mike told his wife who nodded. The 4 of them went upstairs for dinner Hannah never ate "Hannah aren't you going to eat" mike asked his daughter "no I'm not hungry" Hannah answered looking pale. "Hannah are you sure you ok your really pale," her mother told her Hannah nodded.

"Hannah why are you sweating," Jason asked his sister for a 6-year-old he was very mature. "Jason I'm fine" Hannah shouted at her brother she was crying. Her parents were worried because she has never been unwell and denied it "Hannah your not ok your sweating buckets and your white" Mike yelled at her "I'm fine I'm not unwell what are you talking about" she asked her dad.

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