Haunted Hell (Jason's point of view)

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I knew stuff about my sister no else knew I knew about her depression and her vulnerability moving in with our grandma didn't seem to help her. I was upset when she killed everyone she even tried to kill me but I played a prank on her I played dead. The same tall man that I had been seeing took her away. Now I want revenge on my older sister I want her to feel the pain I want her feel how it felt to be stabbed. I should have trusted my visions.

moving into my grandmothers house was awesome me and Hannah were talking at dinner when I thought I saw something I shrugged thinking it was my imagination "what's up jay" Hannah asked I shook my head saying nothing. I went to bed that night having my first vision.

There she stood sewing herself  using purple thread  I tried shouting out to her but nothing came out of my mouth it was like I wasn't there. I witnessed her sew her face her silently cringe in pain tears were streaming down her pale face. The dark bags under her eyes but most of all the man in the corner watching her was very tall and slender. 

I  woke up sweating I ran down to Hannah's room to see her still there I looked about and thought I saw something in the corner when I blinked it was gone. Confused I went upstairs "Jason, go wake your sister" Dad called I headed back down and woke Hannah up we headed up stairs. Sitting at the table Hannah wasn't acting right she wasn't talking or eating mum and dad questioned her. She got up and headed back down to her room.

Again I thought I saw something outside at the forest I shook my head and it was gone 'is that thing that I'm seeing real or my imagination' I ask myself. I head up to my room looking out the window I'm sure I saw a tall man Hannah came up and was confused we spoke a while and she went back to her room. I look back out the window to see nothing I jump into my bed having 0 dreams or visions I woke up and the day was normal. Hannah came out of her room and hung about with me we ate and then she disappeared for a bit.

When it was dinner I went down to see Hannah laying on the floor passed out her eyes rolled to the back of her head "MUM, DAD!!" I scream they came rushing down to see her laying there passed out I was hugging her body close the rest was I blur but I know they woke her up. She jolted up with water running down her face she wiped it away but looked like she was sweating she was really pale. She had dark bags under her eyes too and her green eyes were really dull.

While eating dinner she wasn't looking well mum and dad kept asking her questions she kept denying them saying she was fine. Gran brought up a story about a man that once you see him he drives you insane and he causes illusions. Hannah got up angrily slamming her fists on the table "I'm fine" she screamed walking down to her room from that day she came out of her room much less. She barley ate and when she did it was very little. After a month of not eating when we saw her she was a stick nothing to her.

I thought it was her depression she was giving up her fight I went down to her room one day to see her shouting at a corner nothing was there that I could see only darkness I tried to talk to her but she couldn't hear me it was like I wasn't there. She kept saying over and over again the words 'no' or 'piss off'. My visions started getting scary I started to have ones of her killing everyone she kept saying hell has awoken in these visions. I started to see the tall man a lot more I noticed he wore I business suit. 

My sister changed over a year she become more isolated and never came out of her room my dreams were getting scarier I started to fear my sister my fear was at a climax that night at dinner she joined us. the whole time she was staring at the corner dad asked her if she was going to eat she shook her head looking at the corner no one asked her why. Her eyes never left that corner she looked scared and depressed her black hair covering some of her face.

After dinner was over she disappeared I went to my room and saw on my bed a note that had a circle and a cross through it the only words on it were the operator. Looking at it confused I felt like I was being watched I could feel eyes on me I looked around and saw nothing its just my imagination or so I thought.

The next day I didn't see my sister at all but I heard banging on her room door my parents told me to leave her be I listened why I don't know. Sitting in my room I kept seeing an image of a tall faceless man pass through my head I thought nothing of it. Dinner came and she once again joined us on her napkin she kept drawing the same thing repeatedly a circle with a x through it. "aren't you going to eat Hannah" mum asked her "he wont let me mum" she answered still drawing the symbol. "who wont let you dear" gran asked her "the tall man" Hannah answered scared "If I don't obey him he'll kill me" she added "Hannah what tall man" dad asked. 

She pointed to the corner we all looked nothing was there just darkness "Hannah there's nothing there" I tell her but she adamant there is "Jason he said if you don't shut up you'll regret it" tears falling from her eyes I was confused on what she meant she stood up and somehow I went crashing into a wall at the opposite side of the dining room. Landing I saw something standing behind Hannah he was moving his hands like she was his puppet.

I passed out I hit my head hard waking up I walked around the house not seeing Hannah anywhere I looked out the window to see that tall being again I then heard screaming and crying from the basement I tried opening the door but it was locked I heard running on the stairs. I pure bolted to my room acting like I was sleeping that's when I heard crying in the bathroom I could smell blood.

I stayed in my room not moving a inch I heard someone say something and I heard a scream then silence then another scream then silence. I heard two thuds one after another footsteps were what I heard next door I heard metal slice something. then footsteps came to my door. The door opened to revel my bloody crazed sister her smile died down and she cried walking over to me.

"I'm sorry Jason he's making me do this" Hannah said bring the knife down I open my eyes looking into her dull depressed green ones "Hannah please s-stop" I beg "I cant Jason I was weak he choose me" I was confused I shut my eyes and held my breath acting dead. She left but not before I heard scribbling of paper and paper being taken. I did hear a mans voice it was really loud and staticky. Something choose her because she was vulnerable.

I got out of my blood endured bed leaving my room I walked passed my family's room seeing them all dead all of them with 'hell has awoken' written on there wall. I arrived at the bathroom seeing my blood covered face I took some ace bandages and wrapped everywhere that was bleeding.

Looking at my face my eyes that were once blue one was black my hair turned red as I filled with revenge to kill my sister I left that house I was a horse with blinkers I saw nothing but revenge. The tall man waited he took me with him. I moved into his mansion another year passed and my revenge for my sister only grew when she moved in she tried apologising but I had none of it I threw a quick left hook and broke her nose it was gushing blood she stayed still in shook the proxies gathered around her having a look at her nose. "you've changed Jason what happened to that little boy that I loved" she asked me "he was weak I took over from there I am revenge seeker sister and you brought this upon yourself!" I screamed at her obviously Jason was still there I didn't want to hurt her but she hurt me.

"Jason please I remember you begging me to stop I tried but I wasn't straight I wasn't in my right state of mind" she begged "please Jason I don't want to hurt you again" this was her vulnerable side she was chosen by him because of her vulnerability he could manipulate her easier. That changed nothing I hated her more that I hated Donald trump and theresea may I hated her with a burning passion. 

She isn't my sister anymore not after that scene a year ago. She walked away "I will get my revenge Hannah" I scream after the red haired girl she didn't look back I could assume she was crying. Would I care Jason would have but now Jason is revengeful he doesn't give a shit about her.

Sibling rivalry Jason's  part is shorter than the first part that because I don't want to give away anything for the next part which will be a fight also Jason didn't see the operator as much as Hannah if there's anything I should add do tell me.

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