The War Pt.2

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"Jungkook, you'll be on the great wall with Y/n's brother. He seems like to have a backup. We're be on the great wall but in different direction." Jin says.

I nod, Y/n looks at me before I walk away. Gives her a bright smile. "Take care." She says.

I walk away with my horse and go to the Great Wall to backup my brother in law. As I arrive there, I can see the ogres through the forest.

"Arrow, prepare!" I command.

They getting close. "NOW!" I yell as the arrow begins the attack.

Some of the ogers start climb on it. My brother in law and I is ready to kill them. "Attack together, we'll be strong like that."

I nod, one by one approach us. I stab their legs, while him stab on the neck and we're moving to others ogers.


"They're be fine, Y/n" Mother try to convince me.

I nod and try to calm myself. But then I feel something is wrong. Is it Jungkook? Or others?

I try to sleep, calming myself with it. Then I've got a vision.

It's about how to make the ogres stop. I wake up and look around. Try to find something precious that can fool them.

"Mother stay here. I've got something to settle." I say.

"Open up! It's me!" I command the guards to open.

"We can't do that, your majesty." He reply.

"I said open up." They open the door a bit.

I run to the my room. Looking for a book about ogres. It's says that ogres weakness is ice attack. It can slow them down and attack their heads because it is the weak spot.

Thats it! Who have the freezes magic? Come on, think Y/n!

LORD ELLIS! I run to the animal room, I take Jungkook horse to be my ride. "Where's Lord Ellis?"

"He's on the west of Great Wall" A guard answers.

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