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"This path, Anastasia, leads to the forest Velt", "That's right, people have been fighting around for the sake of this forest for centuries, that's why it's called the Bloody Forest", "Why?", "Because of the value it has, the forest is huge and it has a lot of valuables, but in time and her life began to end, when we pass, you will see how the trees are decaying, and there is no foliage on them, the flowers do not bloom anymore, and the grass has become black , people have destroyed that forest and killed many animals that lived there, now there is nothing there ", "Does darkness possess this place?", "No, not for now, but will soon have the whole world", "It would be good if we could destroy the darkness", "But we can not, the light and darkness can not exist without one another", "Like Life on Earth", "People need nature and this planet, if they continue to destroy it, in the end everyone will die, there will be nothing left", "If we fail to complete our mission, the darkness will swallow us up", "As Grelt said, when darkness takes the world, he will kill us in the worst possible way, death is the only thing we will see", "At least we have each other", "Now and forever, never one without another", "Why do people consider life to be sacred?", "Because they have only one", "They will never be able to live forever as we, wandering around this planet forever, trying to protect these lives, yet they still hate us", "They do not hate us, we just have no reason to help them, to show and discover many things, now only greed rule among them", "Anastasia, see, Velt, but what's next to it?", "It's a river, and by the river, it's people who are struggling", "There are about a hundred thousand of them, why are they fighting?", "For centuries, people have fought, because of the territories, power,  resources, wealth, hatred of each other, they will never change, but it is good that there are good people who know what is meaning of the war , and they don't fight but live happily, without sorrow and pain ", "They kill each other, look at them, they will all die", "But only one will survive and that soldier will take all the glory, but at what cost, he lost everything he had in that war, his life is no longer worth living, and sometimes they decide to kill themselves because they feel lonely while others are throwing their wealth they got by drinking and trying to stop that feeling of grief in themselves, but that feeling will never pass away ", we passed through the forest and reached the center, it was huge space, but the forest was destroyed, without the life in itself, everything was dead, the only sound that was heard was the sound of soldiers who fought in the distance, "Only soldiers are being heard", "This forest has long lost everything... ", "Just like you!", the sky became black, and the wind began to blow heavily, the darkness appeared in front of us, and Grelt and five soldiers of darkness came out of it,"We meet again, but this time this will not be a happy ending for you two", "Why did you come here?", "To watch people kill each other, take away their lives, build hatred in themselves, and feed darkness more and more , darkness will soon become eternal, and these people will become only pitiful copies of life that are now, soon darkness will no longer need them, so I will kill them all and curse their lives the day when they were born, they will remember my name for all time ", "Not if we get involved", "I told you to get out of my way, you know you will not win, but you continue on, you think that you will save all mythical creatures and invoke light, do not think that it will happen, because it will not, I will not let you do it , so I will take away your life now, I'll torture you and keep you in life so that you feel every sting of sword , every wound, every drop of blood that flows from your body, you will sense how your body breaks down, and in the end when I kill you, I will burn you so that none of you is left, and the darkness will feed on your souls, as it is with the souls of your kind ", "Then let's finish it now", "As you wish, soldiers finish their lives", the soldiers of darkness started toward us, They attacked us and every time our swords collided, they would become stronger, Adriane and I fought as hard as we could, we couldn't kill the soldiers of darkness, even if we managed to kill them, the darkness would quickly return them to life, our struggle became all harder, we both lost strength, I was fighting until I at one point felt the sword passing through my guts, I looked down and saw the top of the sword, And on it, my blood, as it dripped, "Do you feel it, do not ever forget this feeling, remember this day forever, as the day when Grelt took your life", he was standing behind me, he pulled out a sword from my stomach, and the blood began to flow from my mouth, I dropped my sword and fell to the ground, "Young man, this is the end of life for your friend!", I looked at Anastasia and saw on the ground lying in the blood, I felt anger in myself, I could not believe what was happening, I ran alongside the soldiers of darkness, I split each one of them in half until I came to Grelt, I stab my sword through his heart, "Remember this day as the day I took your life", "Hahaha", It began to run blood down his face, and his wound bleed more and more, I pulled my sword from his body, and he walked a couple of steps away from me, holding onto the wound, "A mistake, maybe you think I'm going to die, but it's just a big mistake, I can not die, just like them", " I looked behind me and saw the soldiers how stand on their feet", "But how?", "Darkness brings us back to life, that's why we can not die, but your friend, her end is close, and she will soon die, and you can not help her, so I will leave you now, but know this is a reminder if you try to get involved in my plans, so now mourn, cry, there's nothing else you can do except to harbor hate in yourself and to feed darkness even more, make it stronger, maybe after you do it, the darkness will receive you and allows you to continue your life, you can suffer now, as I've suffered", he and the soldiers disappeared, and the battle in the distance was over, there were no survivors, I came to Anastasia's body, "Do not worry, you'll be fine, everything will be fine", she tried to open her mouth, "Do not ... worry ... it will never separate us ....", "I know that, but what to do now, you will die, and I, I will remain", she pulled out a golden ring from her bag and handed it to me, "Take this ring and take me to the old Falter, he will save me, but you have to hurry, because if we can not get there soon, then I will die", "But what if I forget, I do not even know where that person is", With her bloody hand, she cuddle me on my face,"Do not worry, you will not forget, just look at the ring and you will always remember","Okay", "The old man Falter lives in an old house, in the north-east, but hurry ... we are running out of time ....", she fainted, I wrapped her wound and I wiped her from the blood, I took her in my arms and started to walk, I followed her instructions, and in time I started to forget more and more, but every time I could look at the ring, then I have remembered everything, after some time when I got out of the woods I ran into an old wooden house, I ran to her, I hit the door with my leg, "Old Falter, please help me! My friend is in a bad state! She will die if you do not help her!", the door opened, and the old man looked out, "Why do you yell, what do you want from me", "Please help me, my friend will die","It's not my problem, now go away ", "But please",he went back inside the house, "We are Kelter, we are the last of our kind , now the soldiers of darkness have attacked us and wounded my friend, can you help us", I was waiting , but nothing happened, I started losing hope, but suddenly the door opened, "Did you tell me you were Kelter?", "Yes that is correct", "Then come inside, and put your friend on the table", "Can you help her?", "Of course I can, I helped your tribe, more precisely, long ago while your kind was still alive, they declared me one of them, I thought you were all dead, but it seems that the two of you survived, I could not recognize your look you were full of blood, and your fur was always like gold ", "We had a conflict with the soldiers of darkness, Anastasia was stabbed through the stomach", "Let me see that, but do not worry, I can save her, with the help of a little magic, I will cure her, but I will need time, so you will have to get out, because I do not like when someone bothers me and looks at me constantly", "As you wish, I will wait outside", "Okay", I spent hours outside and the night fell, the moon and the stars could be seen in the sky, just no sounds of nature were there, suddenly the door opened, "You can come in now", "Did you manage to save her?", "Yes I did, I lowered her on the bed, it would be best if you laid the stack of straw on the ground so that you could sleep, your friend sleep now, she has lose a lot of blood and she will need a few days to recover, lucky for her, wound is gone,because i have used magic, so you have nothing to worry about "," Thank you ", "And the other time, and now I'm sorry it's getting too late, and I want to go to the Telton village to pick up a couple of things, luckily there are sellers who are working so late", "Okay", "Here I put you straw, now you can sleep,I will go now", "How can I thank you for all of what you have done for us", "Save the world from the darkness, that's what you can do", the old man gets out of the house, I left my things and laid down on a straw. I looked at Anastasia, I'm glad she is good and that she is alive, I do not know what I would do without her, I would surely have taken my own life , but she would never want me to do it, she would surely consider that our mission should continue, I'm glad we are together. As the night passed, while I was looking at Anastasia, I fell asleep.

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