The Final Truth

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"Anastasia, Anastasia, wake up", "What is wrong?", "Get out of the tent, you have to see something", I got out, "Look where we came from", I saw the darkness moving towards us," Anastasia, the darkness took over this continent", "Yes that is correct"," But I did not expect it to take everything so fast", "We have to go, quickly, if we stay here any longer, the darkness will swallow us", "We have to pick things up and go, but it's still night", "That does not matter now, hurry", We took our stuff and went, while behind us a distance of over ten kilometers, there was darkness, that dark interior in it, it brought only fear, and the thought of it was very scary, but we had to continue, "Where is our last creature?", "Somewhere in front of us, in snowy areas", "We'll have to look for him?"," Yes, I do not know where it is, so we have to be careful, we have to find it", "Okay". Going further, the time began to change, it was getting colder and snow began to fall more and more, it was difficult to see anything in front, "Do you see him?", "No, I think it will be hard to find it at this time", "We need to move on, we have to find it", as we went ahead in front I saw blue eyes, I looked better, it was a big white fox, we broke through the snow, and she moved away from us, so we went for it almost a kilometer, while at one point she did not stop. We came to her, and in front of her in the distance we saw the soldiers of darkness and Grelt, "Fox, I hope you know what your destiny is", "Anastasia, they're getting closer"," I hope you understand what we have to do, so please allow me, please", "Anastasia, hurry"," If we do not do this now, everything will be over, if you do not want this day and this world to end now very bad, then help us and let us take you to the light", "Anastasia", the fox lowered her head, I took out the dust from the bag and I spilled it over her,soon it disappeared, and behind me a few meters away, there was Grelt, "We meet again, I just did not expect you to stay alive, I thought you died, and that I will not see you anymore", "You thought bad", "Yes, I suppose so, but what do you think, will your life be finished now?", "It will not, until we defeat the darkness", "What a pity, it's not going to happen, but it's time to finish what we've long since begun", "I do not think so", "After I take your life away, you will not have to think more about light and other nonsense that you think are important, but the darkness is the most important, everything else is pointless , your lives are miserable and you are not worthy to live. Try to understand that darkness is eternal and she's everything, but it's hard for you to figure it out, maybe soon after you have inhaled the last breath in your own blood, maybe then you understand something"," We'll see about it", "The young man, you and I have an unfinished business, but that will end today", "I'm ready"," All right, soldiers, attack them! ", our struggle started, we were ready this time, the dark soldiers were strong, but this time we too are strong, we tried to kill them, stab them through their bodies, cut their hands and feet, but nothing helped. Grelt was also a strong opponent, the fight with him was very difficult, his every swing of sword was all the stronger, it was hard to fight, luckily I managed to cut off his head, while Adrian managed to defeat the soldiers of darkness. Soon after they started regenerating, so we started to run, we ran, snow began to fall again, but we tried to get away, At one point we saw the darkness going towards us, but it was Grelt and his soldiers, we continued on, suddenly we came to the downhill, we climbed down the mountain, after hiding behind the tree, we waited for the soldiers to run past us, after some time they did. "Are we safe now?", "Yes we are", "What we are now planning to do, we have saved all creatures, the darkness takes over the world, and there's still no light", "I do not know, I'm not sure, something should happen, but, but ... nothing is happening", "Anastasia calm down, we have to move on", "Where, where to go, it seems we did not succeed, it's all over, the darkness will take over the world, and we have not done anything! We did not save people! We did not call the light! And soon we will die"," The most important thing is that we tried, we did what we could, imagined the old Falter and Calt, they would certainly be happy to know where we arrived and what we did, we saved all the creatures, but now our expectations are not fulfilled, so we have to move on or the darkness will swallow us", "I thought we would succeed, but I was wrong"," It's okay, and now let's go", "Where?", "I do not know, I guess the light will turn up again in your dream and tell us what to do", "Perhaps that's what will happens, only now in front of us are snow mountains", "Yes","It will be a really difficult journey", "But for us its feasible".

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