The God Of Speedsters

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Barry was freezing, his body hurt like hell. But why would it not, a three-inch needle was sticking out of it. He could not reach it to take it out and he was using most of his energy to try and keep himself warm. They had him locked in the pipeline, at minus 15 degrees. He could not keep the every growing worry away, it grew in the pit of his stomach, bubbling. He knew that he would run out of energy, then he would truly be in hell. 


How long had he been down here for? He had no way of checking, it felt like days. To him, being locked in this padded cell meant everything slowed down. He could see his breath coming out in icy clouds, his heart, which worried him more, was slowing, it would soon be at a speed of a normal person running. Yeah, nothing to do with him was normal. Because it was totally normal to gain superspeed and for your friends and family to lock you in a cage like some wild animal, just because he wanted... No... Needed to race Zoom. 

They all thought that he was doing it because Zoom wanted to show him that he, Zoom, was quicker than the 'Fastest Man Alive'. No, he was doing it because he needed to... He needed to prove to everyone, to himself, that he was the fastest. It was a blazing burn that had him at its quim, he wanted so bad to get out this godforsaken cell and run to Zoom. Run to Zoom so that he could beat him in a race. He needed the win, the lightning in him needed to win. He has to become one with the, his, lightning, the true 'Flash', that he has had to hold back for so long. 

He could feel it getting closer, breaking free of its compounds, these walls that surrounded him, the agonising cold and pain that held him so tight in its monstrous grasp, all they were doing was lowering his inner walls. Like a werewolf caught in the beam of the full moon, his wolf was coming free. But it may not even get here in time, why, because he was dying slowly, the more time he spent in here, the closer to death he got. 


The cold did not bother him anymore, he could not feel it, the heat, on the other hand, was agony. He could not lift even his head from the floor, all he could do was sweat and sweat and sweat. His so-called friends and family had long forgotten him. Left him in this cage like some wild animal. In some ways, it was true, he was wild, he was an animal. Now more than ever. He had spent his last moveable moments pacing this cage, memorising each and every point. His back, the dart sticking out of that same back, was facing the camera. Not so that they would see what they had done, coming running down to him, bundling him up and make him feel better, no, he did not want that anymore, what he wanted was for them to see what they had done to him. His suit was dripping, torn in places as he had tried frantically to get the needle out, each wound he had, even though he had been in here for what he does truly know as hours, had not healed. If he was not careful in the way he went around in this cage earlier, the high chance is, that his head would most likely be in a small pond of blood. His own blood. Instead, it was spread everywhere, his suit was covered in it. Luckily, now he was thinking otherwise, he had stopped bleeding, so he won't lose any more blood. He was safe from that, but that left him to the temperature, to the temperature that came from within him. Even the lightning in him seemed to have been affected, it did not approach anymore, just stayed where it was, like it too had collapsed, the lack of energy, burned up almost completely all the food from over ten hours ago.

All in all, he was not so certain that he should feel so lucky to be awake. How he wishes that he would fall unconscious. But he had no luck, he was to stay awake through this gruelling torture. Till, after sixteen hours, he did finally fall unconscious. 


Cisco reluctantly dragged himself in, they had just spent hours trying to defeat Zoom. Only for him to get away. He was so shattered that he headed to sleep straight after, they all did. Gazing around the room, he was a little surprised to see that the suit was not in its place. 'Oh Barry must be out on an early morning search, he never really stopped when it comes down to Zoom.' He thought to himself, knowing that if he is out, it won't be that long before he is back, he still had to get to work, it is not a day that he could take off. The Captain would have Barry's head. 

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