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A/N: This chapter has been in my drafts for a while now and now that I've finished my first Taekook book, I thought that it was time to put this one out!

Disclaimer: This is in no way related to the "Do You Want To RP" universe.

Warning: Slow updates because I'm trying to write longer chapters and also because college is being a major pain in the butt right now.

Question for the chapter: Ready for some Yoonmin?

Right after their recording, Jimin was still thinking about how Yoongi sent Taehyung and Jeongguk that long text ending with an 'I love you' from the elder.

Sure, Yoongi said it to him during their video recording because Jimin persisted that he wanted to hear those words, but he wanted something that could last.

Take a picture, it'll last longer. He thought to himself, but instead of a picture, it's more of a screenshot of Yoongi's text so it'll be saved in his phone gallery.

If only hyung would text me that he loves me then I'll cherish that screenshot forever. He sighed as he was walking down the hallway of the hotel they were staying in.

They were going to go back to their main building tomorrow afternoon and were told that they could rest easy for the night. Heck, the best news was that they could sleep in until 9 am. The thought of how Yoongi's eyes lit up at that announcement earlier made Jimin giggle to himself.

Room 223. Jimin's suite. Room 224 until 229 were the other members'.

Jimin stood in front of his suite. Did he really want to go to bed right now? He knew that once he went inside, he wasn't going to come out unless the other members dragged him out.

I'll go to Kookie's room. Maybe we can play some games on his laptop. Smiling to himself, he went to the room across from his, 224. Not even bothering to knock, Jimin twisted the door knob and entered the younger's room.

"Kookie, can we play games on your lapto- OH GOD!" Jimin covered his face with both his hands in an attempt to spare the rest of his innocence.

"Hyung, you said you locked the door." A topless Jeongguk pushed a topless Taehyung off of him and ran his hand through his hair.

"I was sure that I did." Taehyung sat up and scratched his cheek as he thought back to when Jeongguk asked him to lock the door. "Whoops, guess I didn't- ow! Did you really have to hit me, Kookie?!" Taehyung whined as he rubbed the spot on his arm that the maknae punched.

"Y-you guys, w-what were you two d-doing?!" Jimin, face still covered with his hands, shouted at them, evidently flustered and red up to his ears. What did he just see? The split second before he covered his face, he was sure he caught sight of Taehyung and Jeongguk kissing each other.

"We were about to have sex until you showed u- ow!" Another hit in the arm by Jeongguk.

"Too much information!" Jimin shook his head. He was hesitant to remove his hands from his view, but was relieved that the two younger males had put their shirts back on when he decided to look at them.

It was difficult to gain back all his composure, but he tried keep what was left of it as intact as he could.

"Jimin-ssi, why are you still here?" Jeongguk stood up and walked to the little desk in the room where his laptop sat. Obviously no longer in the mood to do it with Taehyung, he decided that he would play games on his laptop.

"I was about to ask to play some games on your laptop, but seeing that you two were just about to do it earlier, I lost interest." Jimin tried to be sassy by placing his hand on his hip and leaning his weight onto one foot. However, nobody could deny the small blush that still adorned his cheeks.

"I'm going to play right now, you sure you don't want to?"

"No thanks. I'll go to Hobi hyung's room." With that, Jimin stepped out of the room. Before he walked away, he heard Taehyung and Jeongguk's short conversation after he exited.

"Kookie, come back here and let's continue." Taehyung whined.

"Not in the mood. Go back to your room."

I didn't know they were actually a thing. Jimin let out yet another audible sigh as he walked to Room 226, since 225 was Taehyung's room, and we all know where his dongsaeng is right now.

This time, he took the precaution of knocking on the door. Hopefully nothing was going on inside of Hoseok's room that would leave Jimin scarred for life.

"Hobi hyung, are you busy? Can I hangout in your room?" Jimin asked when Hoseok opened the door for him. With a small smile, Hoseok let his dongsaeng into his room.

"Sorry for the mess. I haven't been able to tidy up because I've been trying to get this beat in order before I forget how it goes." Hoseok went straight back to his bed where his little station was set up.

It wasn't that bad of a mess, Jimin observed. Asides from the fact that Hoseok's bed remained undone and his suitcase was open with a mount of wrinkled clothes, the room was pretty clean.

"So, what's up Jiminie? What brings you to my room? Is Kookie and Tae too busy for you?" Without taking his eyes off the screen, Hoseok questioned Jimin.

"Hyung, did you know Jeongguk and Taehyung were together?" Unable to keep his mouth shut, Jimin exposed his two dongsaengs to his hyung. He was now seated at the foot of the other's bed, gaze just wandering everywhere in the room.

"Oh, you just found out? Wow, you're slow Jimin." The older laughed a bit.

"What? Was I the only one who never knew until now?" Jimin's eyes were confused as he stared at his hyung, mouth slightly agape.

"Hmm.. probably. Anyways, why didn't you go to Suga hyung's room instead?" That question was an arrow that struck Jimin's chest. It was as if Hoseok just waited for the right moment to ask that.

"What makes you think I would do that, hyung?" Jimin tried to laugh it off, but stopped when he saw the raised eyebrow Hoseok gave him.

"Jiminie, don't act like you didn't do it on purpose. You're trying to find a reason not to go to Suga hyung's room aren't you? I know you want to talk to him." There was a teasing tone in the older's voice.

"Hobi hyung."

"You were the one who was persistently asking him to say 'I love you' earlier. You think I wouldn't notice the little jealous look you gave when you found out he texted Tae and Kookie that he loved them?"

"Hobi hyung, stop!" Jimin's cheeks were flaring and he took one of Hoseok's pillows to throw it at him.

"I'll stop if you just go to his room already."

And with that, Jimin didn't even hesitate to leave Hoseok's suite.

A/N: Okay, this chapter took a lot out of me. I know I'm going to regret writing longer chapters. I swear.

Also, I can't emphasize this enough but..
**Please don't rush me with updates.. I don't want my stories to become a stress factor when it's meant for my stress relief.**
The message above will be repeated in some updates for all my stories from now on.

Anyways, until the next chapter!

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