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Challenge for the chapter: Describe Jimin in exactly 3 words.

"Nothing! I don't have anything to say to you, hyung." Jimin was frantic on the inside, but the evident falter in his voice was a dead giveaway. His heart only sped up when he felt the couch shift as Yoongi decided to sit next to him.

"Okay, sure. I believe you," the older shrugged which surprised Jimin because he thought his hyung would pry a little more and make him say what he wanted to say. "Jimin, I thought it would be best to apologize in person too, for my actions the other day."

Forgetting his momentary jealousy that drove him to scare Hoseok away in the first place, Yoongi took this opportunity to get even more closure with the younger male.

"It's okay, hyung. I know you all can't help it because I'm just too cute," Jimin tried to laugh the last part off even though he was struggling with keeping his face as less red as possible.

"That's right. It's because you're too cute which is why we tease you so much," the words slipped through Yoongi's lips, but he didn't care if they did because it was true.

The older noticed how red Jimin's ears went, but he couldn't see his face because he was looking down at his hands.

"Why won't you look at me, Jiminie?"

The subtle question made Jimin want to curl up in a ball and hope to be engulfed into the abyss, but he couldn't avoid his hyung anymore than he already did.

"It's n-not that I won't look at you," he started before he continued in a smaller voice. "I can't look at you." The hope that Yoongi didn't hear the last part was crushed when he heard the older ask why. "B-because I feel like I would die." From having my heart beat out of my chest. It's going to explode.

"That doesn't make any sense, Jiminie. Why would my face make you feel like you would die?" Almost as if the persistence was too much, which it honestly was, the younger ended up blurting out what he didn't want to say in the first place.

"Because I like you! Okay?!" Jimin shouted a little too loudly for his liking. Heck, he wasn't even supposed to say what he said. Shit, I'm screwed.

There was silence, and it was one of those silences that made Jimin want to disappear. It was dreadful, until the older spoke.

"Well, I don't see a problem with that because I like you too, Jiminie," Yoongi's voice was low and gentle. The younger male felt his cheeks flare up, but so did his anger. Suddenly, Jimin looked up at Yoongi with his eyebrows knitted together and his gaze piercing.

"Yah, I'm not kidding, hyung. It's not the regular willy-nilly 'I like you' I'm talking about!" Almost unconsciously, Jimin cupped both of his hyung's cheeks with his hands. But before he was able to realize what he did and remove his hands, Yoongi placed his own hands over Jimin's, keeping him there.

"Really? What kind of 'I like you' are you talking about exactly then?"

It wasn't that he didn't know. Heck, Yoongi knows everything. Kind of. One thing for sure, he knew that he liked teasing Jimin a lot and this was just one of those ways that he did. He wanted to see if Jimin would actually do in depth with how he defined liking someone like Yoongi.

"Wait, what-" His cheeks were already flared up enough and anymore would make him look like a chili pepper, hot and bothered. However, seeing that he couldn't really escape from Yoongi now, with his hands locked in place, might as well come clean? Idiot. Why not make an excuse while you can so that you won't have to feel the rejection? He contemplated and it sounded like a very good excuse right now.

As if reading his mind, a frown dawned upon Yoongi's face.

"No excuses and just tell me what type of like you mean and why you like me," the brutal bluntness caught Jimin off-guard, and Yoongi tried to keep in a smirk that wanted to show. You aren't going to escape me that easily, Jiminie.

Seconds pass and what seemed like minutes and hours had thinned both of their patience. With a sigh, Jimin dreaded what he was about to do.

"I like you as in I would like to be with you in a more romantic sense," Jimin admitted, eyes shifting down to his lap where his hands should've been, but his hands were still on Yoongi's cheeks, feeling the warmth that emanated through his fingers.

"Okay? Now what about the answer to my other question? Why do you like me?" At this point, both of Yoongi's hands clasped at Jimin's and brought them away from his face and onto his own lap, not letting go of the slightly smaller hands.

"Do I really have to answer that?" Jimin really felt the need to disappear. He has thought about it in his head constantly, more than he's ever done in ages, but Yoongi refused to give him an escape option.

"Mhm. You have to," was the older's quick reply. "Come on Jiminie, you already know that my views on you wouldn't change no matter what you say."

He wasn't going to lie, but hearing his hyung say that was both comforting and unsettling. What if your views do change though?

Taking a deep breath, the younger began his explanation.

"Believe me when I say I only figured it out recently. I never really expected it either, but when the realization hit me, it all made sense. I hate being teased, but when you're the one doing it, it makes me feel a certain way. I don't know how to describe it, but I know that it's not unpleasant. I easily get flustered when it comes to things involving you, like that fanmeet, when you suddenly took my hand and that time when you called me a pet name," he paused for a while to breathe because breathing is a thing apparently.

Yoongi continued to listen intently, obviously satisfied.

"My heart beats like crazy and just, I thought about that text you sent during my Vlive. That, too, made me think even harder about my feelings and I sort of just lied in bed, staring at the ceiling as I thought whether I liked you in that kind of way. Well, we know how that turned out," as if to compensate for his embarrassment, he let out a small laugh to make him feel better.

Jimin expected a response from the older male, but became worried when he received none. Their hands were still clasped together, and the warmth was comforting, but Jimin still dreaded for a response.

Well, that was until he felt a soft pair of lips connect with his own.

A/N: Long time no update! It's been a month technically. I apologize! Life's been getting in the way, especially now that I'm working and classes are starting soon.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter! Finally, the feelings are out!

Until the next chapter!

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