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Question for the Chapter: Who is the ultimate bottom in BTS? If you don't think any of them are bottoms, honey, lemme just show you to the door <3

What kind of karma is this? Jimin struggled to keep his expression as calm as possible as he was seated next to Yoongi in the car.

They were headed to a fanmeet that they decided to host a while back. They knew that there will be so many ARMYs there but they thought that it would be nice now and then to let their precious fan-base know that they were all okay. Besides, PD-nim said that it would be fun.

However, Jimin's luck wasn't looking so good. After the events of yesterday, he wanted to just avoid his hyung as much as possible, but look at where he was now. In the car, Taehyung and Jeongguk were sitting behind them while Hoseok sat in the passenger seat, leaving Yoongi and Jimin to sit next to each other in the middle.

Namjoon and Jin were in another vehicle because Jin insisted on driving after having an intense argument with PD-nim on how well his driving was. Sometimes Jimin can't believe that the oldest member had the audacity to stand up to their boss.

I mean, he's sassy Jin for a reason? He thought to himself for a brief second before sinking back into the reality that he was sitting next to Yoongi.

"Jiminie." At the mere mention of his voice, Jimin felt his heart speed up and he was fully alert. "It's going to be a hot day, don't forget to put sunscreen on." It was odd for Jimin to hear Yoongi say that because it would usually be Hoseok or Namjoon who would remind them to remember to take care of themselves.

"Yeah. I know," was Jimin's short response. He didn't know that his cheeks were flared up and Yoongi noticed this of course.

"Are you sick? Your face is red." Yoongi commented nonchalantly, but he didn't reach his hand over to touch the other's forehead. He wasn't like those stereotypical male leads in those dramas or anime. Well, just me commenting on it makes me one technically. He thought to himself and shook his head lightly.

"I'm fine, and I don't mean our song." Jimin shrugged before he heard a pair of laughter erupt from behind them. Jimin turned to see Taehyung and Jeongguk trying their best to hold in their laughter.

"Jiminie, Jin hyung is really starting to rub off on you." Taehyung couldn't help it, and here he thought that he and Jeongguk were the only ones that were contracting Jin's dad jokes.

"Shut up, and that's Jimin hyung to you." He tried to come off as angry when in reality, all he really was feeling was embarrassment.

"Excuse you, but we grew up together and were best friends in high school so," Taehyung displayed the facts right then and there.

After that, Jimin just decided to stay silent so that he wouldn't say anything stupid. He didn't want sometimes to accidentally slip out and worsen his thought process or even cause some drama. Well, he was in his own drama in his head because of events of yesterday.

All I wanted was the long paragraph with an 'I love you,' and now I'm all flustered. He thought I was confessing to him? I mean, sure, I like Suga hyung, but not in that way.. or do I..?

Letting his eyes wander to the scenery that blurred past the moving vehicle, he was abound to look at the the other window and meet eyes with Yoongi. However, when he did turn his head to look, he was met with a sleeping Yoongi leaning his head against the window.

Was it wrong for him to think that the sight made him smile?

"Jiminie." Hoseok called him from up front and Jimin snapped his head to look at Hoseok who had that knowing expression Jimin was always scared of. "You're hopeless."

"That coming from J-Hope himself is shocking." Jeongguk cackled, gripping his stomach because he hadn't laughed this much today and Taehyung joined in.

Jimin just rolled his eyes at them and pulled out his phone. He'll try to distract himself this way.

The long ride finally ended and all the members went into the building where they were going to prep themselves up. They still had to change into their clothes, get their hair done, and look fabulous with their talented makeup artist's artistry. Jimin was first out and left the responsibility of waking the still sleeping Yoongi to Hoseok.

"So, we're going to be in a huge ass room talking with ARMY, have a Question & Answer portion, and maybe sing just a few songs?" Jeongguk asked Namjoon as he put on a pink and white checkered dress shirt. He then helped button up Taehyung's dress shirt that was blue and white checkered in pattern. They definitely planned to show the Vkook impression today and hoped that ARMY wouldn't pass out.

"Jeongguk, language!" Jeongguk heard Jin from across the room.

"Sorry not sorry!" Jeongguk showed his all famous bunny smile.

"Yes, technically that. Think of it as a regular fanmeet like we used to have, but without the signing of albums because there's a LOT of ARMY in that room." Namjoon emphasized.

"They better not be trying to take Jeongguk away from me." Taehyung wrapped his arms around the maknae's waist and held him close. He was being overprotective and Jeongguk found it endearing.

"Now that I know you two are together, I can't unsee it. I used to think you guys are just into skinship like me and Taehyung back in high school." Jimin was putting on his white dress shirt on paired with a black bowtie. What's with the wedding feel?

"You never knew Jimin?" Namjoon voiced is surprise as he put on his yellow sweater with dog ears on, helping Jin put on his yellow sweater with cat ears on.

"On another note, what's with this weird theme? It's too off. Why is Tae and Kookie wearing semi casual clothes, you and Jin hyung wearing cute sweaters, and me wearing formal wear?" Jimin tried to change the topic as headjusted his bowtie.

"It's not just you who's wearing formal wear." Another voice came from behind Jimin and the younger was startled. He looked back to see Yoongi wearing the same thing he wore except it was a black dress shirt and a white bowtie.

"What's with the couple theme?" Jimin complained as he turned away so that he wouldn't be caught blushing by Yoongi.

"Well, PD-nim thought it would be a good idea to go with this theme to get ARMY riled up." Namjoon clarified.

"What about Hobi hyung?" Taehyung asked, arms still around Jeongguk.

Right as he said that, Hoseok came prancing into the room wearing a pastel pink T-shirt covered in heart patterns, a pair of small angel wings on his back, and a halo on his head.

"What the fuck is that?" Jeongguk laughed.

"Jeongguk, watch your language an shut the fuck up or you'll get smacked the fuck up!" Jin threatened from the other side of the room again. After Namjoon helped him with his sweater, he had migrated to the other side of the room where all the food was.

"Who needs to watch their language exactly?" Hoseok cackled before he composed himself and gave his introduction. "For today, I am not the sun, but I'll be the reason why you all have been paired up." He did a little twirl to exaggerate himself.

"You're just saying that because you're lonely." Jimin teased, resulting in him getting into a headlock by the group's sunshine.

"Bangtan, get ready!" One of the staff facilitating the event announced and everyone slipped into their professional modes.

Time to meet ARMY.

A/N: I would die to meet you boys, but I'm a broke college student who's trying to pay for her classes and keeping her grades up..

Me to myself: Gotta always have a reality check.

Anyway, until the next chapter!!

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