Part 4

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It was a long drive from the hospital to our house. About fourty-five minutes.

Which meant I was stuck in a smelly car with Greg for fourty-five minutes.

Lucky me. Note the sarcasm.

Jo was thrilled. Any minute with Greg was a blessing. In her mind anyway. I didn't understand what she saw in him. He had dark black, curly hair that was in desperate need of a wash, dark brown eyes and black stubble around his chin-not what I would call a looker.

He had absolutely no sense of humour.

Not to mention his driving. He was a horrid driver. Ignoring speed limits, nearly hitting cars and basically driving up onto the curb. It didn't stop Jo from flirting with him though, flashing mischievous smiles, batting her eyelids. Mum didn't notice and if she did, she didn't care. It disgusted me.

Sometime I fell asleep.

I had horrible dreams where Greg was torturing me; hitting me over and over again. Then he gave me an injection and I saw the world in new light. Icould see the true colours of everything. Greg's eyes were red and blue; flashing.





Over and over again. Until I gave out a little cry. I awoke and the lights became reality.

We had been stopped by a police car. Because of Greg's terrible driving no doubt. I looked out the window, Greg, who had a very angry look on his face, was talking rather loudly to a police officer. The police man wasn't looking very happy either.

If I strained my ears I couldd hear what they were saying:

Police officer: I'm sorry sir but you were going sixty-three in a fifty zone

Greg: I was not! You have no proof and I have three witnesses!

He looked at me and I stared back. I just gave him a little shake of my head. He took the hint

Greg: Oh fine, whatever just give me the damn ticket.

Police officer: Well it's not as simple as that; you only have a restricted license and no one else in the car has their full. Thats illegal mate.

An angry look fled across Greg's face. Well angrier than he already was.

Greg: What am I meant to do then?!

Police officer: I'll write you up the ticket, you can drive home and your friends can bus or walk home, there house isn't too far away is it? I'd take them myself but I have to be at a burglary sight immediately.

So with that, we set off; not very fast because I was still concussed and mum wanted a ciggie.

When we had been walking for about two minutes; the smoke from mum's cigarette got too much for me and trotting along was just too impossible all of a sudden. I collapsed, there in the middle of the footpath, right beside the main road.

I blacked out and there was Ashley standing in front of me. She tutted at me and said: "Dawn, I know it hurts but you just have to harden up eh? Lets make a deal, if you get up and stop worrying your sister and mother then we can hang out tomorrow, okay?"

So I stood up. Just so I wouldn't disappoint Ashley.

I started walking without saying a word to Jo or mum, their eyes followed me; but their bodies didn't. They just stared at me. I could almost hear what they were thinking: What the *curse* just happened?

I turned around and asked Jo, very sweetly and innocently, "May I please use your phone to text Ashley?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2010 ⏰

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