Chapter 1: Hogwarts Express

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Chapter 1: Hogwarts Express

"Goodbye mom! Goodbye dad!" Albus Potter waved his hand as the Hogwarts Express started to move. It was smokey and the whistling sound filled the whole platform nine and three quarters. Along with Albus were Rose and Hugo Weasley who happened to be his cousins. Beside Albus was James Sirius Potter, his two years older brother who's now attending his third year at Hogwarts, Gryffindor. Everyone in the train station was smiling and some parents were shedding tears, feeling so proud for their young wizards. 

"Ouch!" Rose Weasley gritted her teeth as Hugo started poking her on her forehead. It was when the Hogwarts train finally left, and Hugo Weasley was grinning like an idiot.

 "Now what are you up to huh?" Rose raised an eyebrow, her hands crossed above her chest. 

"Well,"Hugo wasn't able to finish his words when they were interrupted. 

"Humphrey lost his rabbit. Found somethin' in here?" It was Rasmus Finkley, a black-haired boy with weird purple eyes. He was wearing this robe that's really too big for him. Everyone stared at him, mouth dropped as the three of them slowly slouched back. 

"!" Albus flatly replied.

"Okay, thanks." He smiled.--

"Wait!" Hugo suddenly yelled whilst scratching the back of his neck. 

"Whaat?" Finkley turned around with a groan. 

"Where do you get those robes by the way?" Everyone's eyes widened. Finkley smiled. 

"Ahh.. Well, actually it's my brother's. He already graduated from Hogwarts so mom preferred I use them." 

"Alright. Off you go!" Hugo said, Rose's rolled her eyes. 

The few minutes were silent until Hugo decided to break the ice. 

"So wanna play wizard chess?" Hugo asked Albus. 

"Sure, and I'm gonna beat you this time" Albus replied confidently, and sat up straight unslouching. 

"You wish!" 

"If I were you, I would just sit down and read a book like this one." Rose raised a book infront of both of them. 

"History of Magic?" Albus said with fascination. 

"Oh really? Lame!. You really inherited mother's love of books." Hugo said and Rose rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up!" Rose resumed reading the book and Hugo was now grinning like an idiot. 

"So shall we?" he asked Albus. 

"With pleasure." Albus jokingly replied. 

The game ended for 8 minutes and obviously, Hugo won. 

"I win, Albus. This is probably the 50th time that I've defeated you. Wow! You really suck at wizard chess." zhugo teased Albus. 

"Shut up." Albus said. 

"Ha! Hugo defeated you in 8 minutes? wow that's a record, usually you get defeated in five minutes." James joined the conversation and teased his brother. 

"Not you too." Albus forced out his voice because of his embarrasment, his voice wasn't planning to go out. 

"Anyway, what house do you want to be in?" Hugo interrogated.

"Gryffindor." Both Albus and Rose at the same time. 

"But Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad, I suppose." Rose put in 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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