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Same dream as the past few weeks.

I watched as an unknown shadowy figure tried to create what the voice was telling him he could. This time, the human body was given long flowing hair that covered the back of this egg-head. It was also given a blue jacket, one that had buttons and yellow strips. A disgusting color choice, in my opinion.

Soon, the figure, that I had long since guessed was male, sighed, choosing random personality traits. Then... he gave it my name.



I woke up to the sound of momma Toriel calling me and my brother's names, then saying "If you don't get up now, you'll be late for school!". I whined, rolling off of the pallet I had made for myself on the floor. My patchy dirty blond/brown hair is a mess...

I should probably explain. My name was Bui Janei, but because of me having been recently adopted by my new goat mom, that has been changed to Bui Dreemurr. I have been living with my adoptive family for about a week now... Yet SOMEONE still refuses to let me sleep in the empty bed. According to Kris, that bed belongs to his big brother Asriel. He told me, AND I QUOTE, "You are not worthy of that bed.".

Oh well. The floor isn't that bad, really.

Still, today's my first day at the monster school in this mostly monster-only town. I'm not sure if I'm excited, nervous, or both. I mean, yeah, it's really FUN to meet new people, and possibly even create a new harem! But... What if they don't like me, or the fact that I'm overweight? What if they call me weird? I brush my worries aside, running my hand through my short hair so that it's not as messy. Kris walks out into the hallway, his brown hair covering his eyes as usual. Sometimes, I wonder if Kris even has them... I follow shortly behind him as we walk out to mom's car.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Momma Toriel asks, making me smile as the three of us get in the car. She looks back at Kris, adding "You know, Kris, your brother Asriel should arrive home from the university tomorrow...". She then looks ahead, driving forward a little more before actually pulling out. She sighs, mumbling "But I wonder if he'd actually enjoy being back in our little town...

After that, the ride was silent. I wondered who Asriel is, and if he is a human like me and Kris. Kris also seems to be deep in thought, probably wondering how he could empress this legendary big brother I've never met. 

Soon, we arrived, which lead to us having to get out of the car. I follow goat mom and Kris into the small school building, noticing the size is... less than intimidating. Then again, Ebbott town is small too. We walk into the front, heading into the halls. Before we part ways, Momma Toriel hugs us, telling Kris to keep me out of trouble today. I couldn't help but giggle at her worry, kissing her on her fluffy cheek before following Kris to our class...

"K-Kris. Bui. Y-you're l-late..." The teacher stutters, looking at the two of us. The students were suddenly staring at me, the new student. Of course, the semi-feminine build I have might be part of the reason... Surprisingly, there's also a human boy I've never seen before. His strange eyes seemed to make him fit in, though.

I look up at the board before doing anything. On the corner was what I assumed to be the teacher's name, "Ms.Alphys". That was all that was written, however. I look to her as she spoke again. "I-I were j-just having students p-pair up f-for this n-next project. a-and yes, n-new students have t-to do it too." she spoke. I nodded, growing exited. Oooh, I hope it's an art project!! I'm amazing at them!

I run to the equally bouncy stranger ((Pupil)), asking him if he wants to be my partner.


This is the beginning of the Deltarune rp if you're willing.

Bui = Epi and Bun combined

Jackson is different in this au.


Name: Jackson Keo

Age: "I, uh... I lost track..." ??

gender: "CAN YOU NOT SEE MY BOOBS!?" female

Personality: "Can't you see? I'm the real bad guy!" She's cocky and ruthless, much like Susie. However, she's more bouncy, and actually socially challenged. She's also surprisingly much easier to befriend, even though she has major trust issues. At the same time, she's sort of rude, and she's always fighting Lancer over who's the real bad guy.

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