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I found more grass around my doorway earlier this morning. Which wouldn't be as off putting, if I hadn't been banished to my apartment for the week by terrible weather. So either I'm hallucinating or someone's somehow defying nature and fighting through the snow just to get into my apartment.

When I called my best friend to complain about this, he laughed at me and told be I should appreciate that someone wanted to see me so bad. He only took it back when he realized I was angry at him and he apologized by trudging through the snow to bring me pizza.

"So what do you think it is? Maybe someone's just sliding it under the door to mess with you." He says, muffling his speech by the sound of shoving pizza into his mouth.

"It's not just that Hobi, stuff moves when no one's been home, things end up broken when I haven't even touched them, and last week I swear I saw some man sitting by the window around midnight."

"Damn. That ain't it" he says, laughing as I wack his arm again and snatch a slice of pizza from the box.

"If I end up dead, I'm haunting you first" I snap, before heading into the kitchen to get a soda. As soon as I enter, I can feel all of my hair stand on end and my ears tingle. I get this feeling often now when I enter certain rooms, but for some reason the kitchen-living room combo seems to be a hot spot.

I used to believe that it was because I had some stalker across the way, but after realizing the only people that could look back at me included people in a dormitory diagonal from mine too far for any kind of view, and the fish in the river, my mom got me curtains to help relieve my stress a bit.

Sadly, the curtains didn't do much.

Returning to the living room with the sodas, I notice that Hoseok has wandered away, probably to use the bathroom. I set a Sprite in front of him and flop down into the cushions. I take this time to look around the living room a bit, taking in how much I've already settled in compared to when I first moved in. The coffee table is always nudged to the side, and the rug looks like someone tripped over it even when I've been at class all day. You'd think I had a roommate with how often things are moved around, but if that was the case I'd start demanding rent and fees for emotional damage from all the nights I've woken up to bumps and eerie feelings.

Strangely enough, I don't think eerie is the word to describe the feeling. I don't feel unsafe or anything, but I do feel that I'm not alone always, which could be comforting if it wasn't always paired with thumps.

I've been daydreaming for long enough, where Hoseok?

"Hoseok?" I call out, getting up to walk towards the bathroom. I hear footsteps and figure he's just snooping in my bedroom, and prepare to chew him out about personal space. When I arrive at the doorway, he isn't in the room.


I whip around, a shaken up Hoseok standing behind me.

"Hey... are you okay?" I ask, moving to touch his arm. He frowns, then looks down the hall to the bathroom. "You don't have a roommate right?"


He hums, the nods and walks towards the living room.

"You've got some gnarly rodents crashing with you then."

The Not So Scary Haunting of My Apartment Where stories live. Discover now