chapter 10. I'm confused.

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I could not walk away from a boy. Especially when they're crying because of me. But how could I trust him after all what he has done to me? After a few minutes he was leaning back. I looked aat him and saw the worry on his face. And the tears that were still streaming down his cheeks. I cupped his head in my hands. Trying to wipe away the tears. You would say that at this moment the two of you would kiss. I saw he wanted to but I couldn't. Not before I had forgiven him. I shake my head and look at the ground. "I can't do this." I say as I look at him again. I could see he was dissapointed. "Yet." When I said that I could see that beautiful smile on his face. It made me smile too. What means I kinda like him. Doesn't it? If he's sad, I'm sad. If he's happy, I'm happy. That's what people always say right?!

He gives me a tight hug. James was still waiting in the car. I think he was afraid to come out. He never saw me mad. Nobody has ever seen me mad. I'm the girl who's always happy. I never lose control. "But I'm gonna walk home though, just to clear my mind and all." I say as I turn around, ready to walk away. "Layla wait!" Kendall yells. I stop and turn around. "I'll call you?" He ask with his sweet voice. "Sure." I say and walk away.

After about fifteen minutes I finally arrived at home. All I wanted to do was watch a movie with a big bowl of ice. I put my keys in the door and open it. "Hi there sister!!" My brother Channing says as I walk further. "I'm not going to be able to have ice scream right?!" I say as I give him a hug. "Nope!" He says with the biggest smile ever. "What are you doing here anyway?" I ask as we take a seat on my couch. "Well you know..." He start to hesitate. "I know what?" I ask more curious now. "I just miss you." He says as he gives me a tight hug. He leans back and I take a good look at him. "What's really going on Channing?" He took a deep sigh. "You know me too well little sis." He says with a smile.

I go to the kitchen and grab some water for him. I give it to him and he takes a sip. "Better?" All he did was nod. I sit down next to him and rub my hand over his back. "Please tell me what's going on?" I ask worried. "You know mt girlfriend..." He started. "Yes, Stefanie. What about her?" "Well, I proposed to her and she said yes." He says on a very sad tone. "But that's awesome!" I say before I take a look at him. "It's not?"

Him and Stefanie were together for like more then five years. For them to get maried couldn't take much longer. So I wasn't really suprised to hear it. But him not being happy about it, was a little strange. Lightly put. "She was upstairs, doing her hair or something, cause we were going out to diner with her parents. Her phone vibrated and I could see she got a message. I looked at it cause it was probably her mom. But it wasn't. It was a guy called Alex." I looked confused but I started to get it. I grab his hand as he goes on. "It said he had fun last night and he wanted to do it again. So when Stefanie came downstairs I showed her the message. She said I wasn't suposed to find out." I could hear his voice breaking down a little. "What did you do?" I ask very carefully. "She was begging me not to leave me, but I said she should be going and never come back." When he said that the tears were streaming down his face. I just hugged him tight. We didn't say a word.

How can people you love betray you like that? Why is the world so cruel? When he finally got everything out of his system I get him something more to drink. "You okay?" I ask him as I hand over the glass of water. All he did was nod. "You can stay here if you like?" I say as I sit down on the couch again. "You sure you wanna have your brother in you house?" He says with a smile. I smile at him and nod. "Secretly I miss you too." I say and we both laugh.

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