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Harry's PO.V.


I'm now furious that she deleted the messages for a ' new start '! She tried explaining but I feel the anger boiling up, I leave the room to calm down, so many things running through my mind right now.

I come back to the room and sit down, she is drinking the water I got her.

I hear a car door slam shut and jolt, I must have fallen asleep.

* knock knock knock *

" I'll get it" Kelly says, I go to protest but she's already running to the door

" yes? " I hear her mumble

I hear footsteps coming closer to me, they aren't Kelly's

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? " Em screams at me, startling me

" oh my god I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about meeting you when Kelly came, sh- "

" DONT! " She says stepping away as I stand up and try to comfort her

Tears are rushing from her face, I feel so bad for forgetting but why is she so upset? It's not like I killed her Dad!

" Em! I'm- I'm - sorry! " i say with tears in my eyes

" I DONT CARE ABOUT THE STUPID STAND - UP! BUT THANKS FOR THE KIND TEXT! " She yells throwing her phone at me

Message? MESSAGE?

I stand there reading the message, this has now made me more than angry!

Kelly comes from behind me, snatches the phone and throws it against the wall so hard that it smashes into pieces

" I swear to god Kelly, if you don't get out right now, it won't be pretty! " I try to say as calmly as I can, my teeth gritting together

" no! She can get out, she ca- " Kelly starts but I interrupt

" I said... GET OUT! " she is startled and grabs her things slamming the door behind her

" Harr- " Em starts but I am now punching the wall, my anger higher than I've ever felt before.

" I didn't send that text " I finally say after calming down

" I can tell... " she says as she starts to cry again

" come here " i say holding out my arms

She snuggles into me as I kiss the top of her head gently

" are you guys dating again then? " she whispers into my chest

" no! Oh god no! " i say as we both start laughing at my reaction

My phone buzzes

* you drop her for me or I tell everyone what you told me and that your little accident made my parents hate me! *

I turn my phone off, I don't even care if she tells anyone anymore, that was last year! It wasn't my fault she was half drunk when she came home! And she has no right to tell anyone about the things I told her!

( sorry guys, it's not that good but I'm still thinking of ideas!!!! Xxxx love you all! Don't forget to vote, share, comment and follow!! Nearly on 100 views 🎉🎉🎉 ily all xxxxxxxxxxxxx )

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