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Emily's P.O.V


I arrive at the bridge a few minuite early to make sure I'm on time, after persuading my mum that I'm going to the library to study alone I was finally let out the house and here I am standing.... alone! and cold.

"Maybe he's running late" I mutter to myself trying to stay positive

A few minutes later my phone buzzes.

* sorry! standing you up for my girlfriend! don't bother replying cos I don't want any contact with you anymore! *

My stomach drops, I feel sick and dizzy as if I have just been dropped from Mount Everest without any warning.

The drive home is long, I decide to drive around before facing my mother yet once again to explain why I'm home so early, I can feel hot tears running down my cheeks and my face boiling hot from anger.

I decide to stop by his house just to finish the little bit of hope for us I had left.

[ about 20 minutes later ]

I'm just sitting in his driveway trying to build up the courage to see him, I finally open the car door, slamming it extra hard so I hope he hears and approaching his door.

* knock knock knock *

The door opens suddenly with Kelly standing at the door.

" yes? "

" I'm here to talk to Harry " I try to say as politely as possible

" he is busy " she says trying to shut the door but I push it open and let myself in

He's in the first room to the left sitting on the couch

I rush over to him, my tears falling faster and harder now

" WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? " I scream at him, startling him in surprise

" oh my god I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about meeting you when Kelly came, sh- "

" DONT! " I say stepping away as he stands up and try's to comfort me

" Em! I'm- I'm - sorry! " he says with tears in his eyes

" I DONT CARE ABOUT THE STUPID STAND - UP! BUT THANKS FOR THE KIND TEXT! " I yell throwing my phone at him making sure he knows I got the message

He stands there reading the message, this shock on his face is unbearable.

Kelly comes from behind him, snatches the phone and throws it against the wall so hard that it smashes into pieces

" I swear to god Kelly, if you don't get out right now, it won't be pretty! " Harry says as calmly as he can, gritting his teeth

" no! She can get out, she ca- " Kelly starts but is interrupted

" I said... GET OUT! " she is startled and grabs her things slamming the door behind her

" Harr- " I start but am startled by Harry punching the wall, his anger higher than I've ever seen before.

( sorry I haven't updated in ages guys! I'll be updating more often now because school has calmed down a bit!!! Love you guys so much xxxx ! Oh and please don't forget to comment, share, follow and vote! Xxxxx )

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