Ch. 1 Mad Love

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Note: A story I've wanted to do for awhile after seeing Suicide Squad Hell to play. Really enjoyed it. 3 years ago I made a book called ask the Squard inspired by 2016 movie Suicide Squad. I loved it. But now looking back I can clearly see it was over hyped and it didn't get to reach its full potential as it should of. I still love the film but I think it could of been better with the plot, story and yes even the characters. Especially the relationship between Joker and Harley. Joker caring for Harley is not thire relationship and I'm sorry for saying but I can't really sugar cute this but thire Relationship is abusive and this is clearly shown in the Batman animated series where Joker throws poor Harley out the widow. I honestly think the movie should of been more about Harley and her relationship of the Joker and her interactions with the squard as they try to catch the Joker. Not this Enchantress trying to take over the world. It honestly felt out of place in the movie to me. So me and My brother decided in honor of James Gunn taking over for suicide Squad 2, we make our own version of the Suicide Squad centering around Harley Quinn with an orginal story and Villians we love to see on a team togeather. So we hope you enjoy.
It was midnight. The perfect night for a robbery.

A van crashes into an jewrely store. Harley Quinn got out of the van with a smile.

"Oh Mr. J this is our first night in 2 weeks what should we steal first !" Harley squeals with exitment.

Joker gets out of the van with a grin, he looks around and an old rusted diamond ring in a case full of beutiful jewels and much better looking rings.

"Grab that ring Harley" Joker said with a grin as he points a finger at the rusted ring.

This confused Harley.

"But puddin that's an old ring there's tons of pretty rings you can use to propose to me" Harley said.

Joker raises an hand towards as he was taking an motion to hit her. An motion Harley knew all too well, causing her to flinch away.

But then Harley felt a hand on her cheek, petting it. Joker smiles.

"Now Harley that would spoil the susprise and in comedy what's makes things funny is what susprises you with the final punch line" Joker said.

"Alright Pudden I understand" Harley said.

"Now go get the ring so we can get going before you know who shows up" Joker said.

Harley smashes the case and takes the rusted ring along with a few other jewels. Including a beautiful diamond ring she hopes Mr. J would propose to her with.

She gives him the rusted ring and he laughs, giving her a kiss. Harley smiles holding the the diamond ring in her hand.

In her mind everything was going well.

"It's over Joker !" A booming voice shouts.

Or not because B-man just showed up.

Joker narrows his eyes as he shoved Harley in the passenger seat and gets in the driver seat, driving off at full speed Batman giving chase.

"Bats always ruins date night !" Harley complains.

Harley Quinn and Task Force X Where stories live. Discover now