CreepyPasta Story: It Starts (Page 3)

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 Max took a slice of pizza, and headed outside. Max got his tentacles, and used them to climb up a tree. Max sighed, and was about to eat his pizza, when Sandy popped up out of nowhere. Max screamed and lifted Sandy up with his manipulation powers. "Wait wait Max it's me, Sandy!" Sandy said. Max dropped Sandy. "Oh Sandy sorry about that..." Max said. "Hey, why aren't you inside with the others?" Sandy asked. Max sighed and his eyes started to glow blue. "Are you ok?" Sandy asked. "Yeah, I'm fine..." Max said, sniffling wiping the tears from his eyes. "No your not, I know when people are upset..." Sandy said. "Ok, when I first arrived on this island, I was...afraid, so I acted all cool and stuff, then one day, someone poked me in the back, and I screamed, but my scream is different from other creepypastas screams, mine is like a snake hiss, combined with Slendy's static scream combined with phantom mangle's audio. And everyone started to laugh at me, I laughed to cause I though the laughing would only last a day. But I was wrong, the next day, everyone started to laugh at me when they saw me, they would trip me, that would hang me in trees by my shirt, I would try my manipulation to make them stop, but they always avoid my tentacles, they even came up with the type of scream I have, they call it, the weirdos hisscreech. They've been doing this forever, and no one would ever help me, and Slendy was always not around when I needed him. That's why I never join anyone in anything..." Max said. Max eyes started to glow a deep dark blue, and he started to sob quietly, so Sandy wouldn't notice. "Wow, that's horrible, that really really horrible..." Sandy said.  

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