Chapter Eleven

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Loki could feel the power surging through the gauntlet the moment he put it on. He didn't want to leave her, but he knew what was at stake if he didn't take that chance.

"Loki, no!" Thor shouted. "That much power could kill you!"

"I know. It has to be done."

"No! You can't!"

"Loki, please. Please, baby, don't do this."

"Loki, stop!" Loki glanced at Steve, who was barely managing to hold off Thanos. Tony rushed to his side.

"You have to do it!" Steve shouted.

"Hurry up!" Tony yelled. "Come on!"

Loki felt the power flowing through him. He tried to focus it, to control it.

"Got out of the way!" Loki screamed. Tony and Steve ran away from Thanos, and he instantly charged towards Loki.

Loki held the gauntlet towards him, forcing the power onto him. It was straining but he managed to stop Thanos.

"I will make you regret everything you have ever done against my wife," Loki said, feeling the pain of the gauntlet's power.

"You can't do this. It will tear you apart," Thanos told him.

"Maybe, but at least I will die knowing that you can no longer lay a finger on my beloved wife or anyone else."

"You are a fool." Loki began to focus the energy on tearing Thanos apart one atom at a time.

"Perhaps. At least I'm the winning fool."

"Loki stop. It's tearing you apart. I can see it."

I'm sorry, darling.


Loki was dying, and I was watching. I don't know why, but I got up and started running. I ran out of the ship to Loki.

When Loki used the gauntlet, you could see it taking a physical toll on him. There were blue lines showing up all over him. They almost looked like veins.

I was running as fast as I could. Being pregnant, it wasn't very fast. "I'm coming, Loki. Just hang in there."

"Loki, no!" I heard Thor yelling. I was almost there. I turned a corner and saw them.

"Loki!" I yelled. I saw Loki wince.

"Darling, go back to the ship. Please," he said calmly without turning to face me. I saw Thanos being pulled apart bit by bit, still fighting. He was yelling in pain.

"Loki, please. Don't leave me."

"I'm trying, my love, but we both know what's going to happen. I'm holding on as best as I can."

"Lilith, stay back," Thor said. "I don't like this either, but it has to be done."

"No, it doesn't." I went towards him but Thor pulled me back. "No! Let me go! Just let me go," I pleaded. I knew I couldn't stop him. I just wanted to hold his hand. At least, hold his hand.

"I'm sorry, Lilith."

"Please, I just... I just want to hold him. Just let me hold him." Thor glanced up at Loki, who nodded sadly. Thor let me go, and I ran over to Loki. He kept his hand out towards Thanos while wrapping the other around me. Thanos was slowly disappearing, much like the others had, just much longer.

"Lilith, I'm sorry. I really am. I'm trying to hold on for you, but it's not working."

"It's okay. It's okay. I... I just... Here. Look." I pulled his free hand to my stomach. "Lance says hi." I tried my best to smile at him.

Mended (The third of the Broken Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now