part 1

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All of the egos were in the living room just sitting about, doing their own thing. Jackie and Marvin were playing cards, while Chase and Henrik were going over doctor files. Chase had offered to help, knowing the doctor wouldn’t get them done all by himself, and Robbie was snuggled in a blanket on the couch, watching the walking dead. Jameson was sitting right next to him, holding a hand on his shoulder, every time a jump scare popped up on the screen. He only smirked at the living corpse. Who knew a zombie would be scared of their own kind. But his smile wavered as he looked around the room. Everyone was here… except for his best friend Anti.

It was 12 at night sure, but he knew the glitch didn’t have to sleep a whole lot and this was usually is the time where he was at his prime. Annoying Henrik here, teasing Marvin there, or just talking to JJ. He liked their conversations, usually, it was about art on Tumblr or him teaching Anti sign language so he didn’t have to use cards all the time. Anti has changed so much since he reformed and joined the other egos. He liked the change, very much. JJ was proud to call the glitch his best friend. So indeed it did worry him that he was not here. He got up, giving Robbie a pat on the shoulder signing that he would be back momentarily, walking over to Henrik and Chase.

He tapped the doctor’s shoulder, getting his attention. The doctor looked at him with a small smile on his face. “Ah, Jamie. Vhat is it zhat you need my friend?”

JJ held up his hands as he signed. “Where’s Anti? Haven’t seen him today.”

Henrik's smile went away slightly at the question. “Zhats right you vere not here zhe ozher day.” He cleared his throat. “You see Anti uh.”

“He’s probably in his room sulking like a spoiled child.” Jackie interrupted, shuffling his cards rather harshly.

JJ turns to him as his brow scrunched together in confusion. “Why?” He signed.

“Well, he was kind of grouchy that day. Well more grouchy than usual. Snapping at us here, yelling insults to us there. Yelling every curse word in the book, with my kids being present.” Chase sighed, shaking his head.

“Yeah, Chase tried to confront Anti about it and he just yelled at him, saying things like ‘I’m trying my best’ and all that jazz,” Jackie grumbled.

“…then what happen?”

All of their eyes just shifted to the ground or the ceiling, unable to look at the mute’s innocent gaze.

“Vell, Jackie kind of snapped,” Henrik answered.

Jackie slammed the cards down on the desk and stood up. “All I said was he was doing a shitty job at it. And that he was no different from the glitch he was, the glitch he IS!” Jackie snapped his eyes glowing as the words rolled off his tongue like venom.

Jamie let out a silent gasp staring at him in anger. He knew Jackie was upset sure, but to go as far as to insult Anti that way. He started to sign his hands moving fast and harshly. “How. Dare. You?”

Jackie looked stunned and almost offended. “How dare I? HOW DARE I? HOW DARE HE? HE’S THE ONE YOU SHOULD BE YELLING AT. THAT GLITCH IS WALKING ALL OVER US.”

Jamie ignored the loudness in his voice as he signed. “Look I get that your upset, and Anti can get out of hand. I know that first hand. But to go as low as to say such a hurtful thing to him when you know he’s trying. That’s to low even for you!”


“He is trying to make things right and the only person I see who isn’t is you.” Jamie signed, anger slowly rising. They were able to hear his hands hit hard agents each other as he signed. “That is the cruelest thing you can say to a guy who is trying. You need to be patient with him-.”

“HOW ARE YOU ON HIS SIDE!?” Jackie snapped as his eyes started to glow brighter. “BEST FRIENDS? YOUR MORE LIKE HIS PUPPET-.”

Jamie slammed his fist into the table so hard it made everyone in the room jump. Chase and Henrik stood up as they backed away from the angered muted ego. Marvin held Jackie by his shoulders staring at Jamie almost in fear. Robbie was hidden under his blanket, shaking violently. Jackie was just staring at him in stunned silence, shaking at the angered look in Jamie’s eyes. Then he realized what he had said, guilt replacing his fear. “J-Jamie, I’m-I’m sorry-.”

Jamie held up a hand harshly, one tear escaping his eye as he signed. “I’m gonna check on my best friend. Or should I say, my puppeteer.”

With that he stormed off, bumping Jackie in the shoulder. More tears fell from Jamie’s eyes as he left the room, a small yet silent sob escaping his lips.

The others stared at Jackie, almost in anger. Chase was the first to speak. “Dude. Not cool.”

“Yes, I have to agree vith Chase on zhat.” The doctor shook his head.

“Jackie- hurt- dapper. Jackie- bad.“ Robbie growled shaking his head, covering the blanket over his head, letting some strands of violet-purple hair stick out.

Jackie fell back into his chair, covering his face with his hands. "God, what have I done?”

Jamie walked down the hall, wiping the tears from his eyes, trying to calm down. It wouldn’t help Anti if he saw him in that state. Jamie made it to Anti’s door and noticed the keep out sign in all capitals. Jamie only sighed. He must really be upset. He lightly knocked on the door, hoping that he would answer, but he did not. He tried again, a little louder this time. Still didn’t answer. Worry started to spread over him. He wanted nothing more then to call his name, wanting to know if he was okay, but you can’t do that without a voice. So there was one thing left to do. Check if he was okay. He placed his hand on the doorknob and twisted it hearing a soft click. He then pushed the door slightly hearing nothing but loud creaking noise, causing him to shiver. He looked into the glitches room in utter shock. The room itself was in complete ruins. Furniture and tables were broken, the walls had giant holes and scratches all over, and it was insanely dark. Jamie only looked in there in sadness.

Poor thing.

He started to walk into the room, silently putting one foot in front of the other walking into the darkroom. The air seemed thin and cold, causing a chill to go up and down his spine. He had never seen the room in a state like this. He always liked his room. It was covered in rad movie, band, and video game posters that Anti introduced to him when he started hanging around him. Now it broke his heart to see it so… broken.

He looked around the room, hoping to see him sitting in a chair or laying on his bed, but he didn’t even see so much as a glitch in the air. But suddenly the door slammed behind him, causing him to jump. The room was dark now and silent, even more, silent than him and that was saying something. It would have continued to be silent if he didn’t hear a high pitched giggle fill the room, causing him to spin around seeing two green septic eyes staring at him almost crazed like.


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