part 5, ending.

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The first thing that Anti woke up to was a bright light, shining in his eyes, causing him to squint. A small head ache following soon after. He groaned slightly, lifting himself up quite a bit. Blinking a couple of times to adjust his eyes. When his vision came back, he found himself in Schneep's lab, laying in a hospital bed. An IV bag connected to his arm, along with a bag of blood. 

Confused he found other things connected to him like a heart monitor, that was keeping track of his irregular heart beat. He went to look up but he felt something press against his neck. He then Instinctively felt it, finding his bloody neck bandaged up to keep it from bleeding. 

He became more confused, staring down at himself. How did he get here? Why was he here?  Why-

Suddenly, memories of what he had done to the others started fluding back into his mind, his eyes beginning to water as the vile memories played back through his mind like a record. He remembered attacking the egos, beating Jackie to a pulp... the fear in Jamie's eyes when he held the knife and-.

Anti squint his eyes shut covering his face, feeling his tears fall from his eyes. It was over, if they didn't hate him already, they do now. They'll probubly lock him away like they planned to do a long time ago, finally seeing that he was a monster. No... worse... a glitc-.


Anti's eyes snapped open to see most of the egos, crowding the door way, a look of shock on their faces. He remained still, afraid to move.

"ANTI!" they all shouted as they ran into the room, pulling him into a group hug.

He froze as panic started to build up within him. What are they doing? Why would they hug him? He's a glitch!

Anti couldn't hold it in any longer. He coward away from them, wrapping the blanket around him tightly, as he sobbed heavily, shaking his shoulders as he did so. 

The others stared with concern until Schneep walked in. "It's okay boys. He's just scared." He whispered as he walked up to Anti, gently taking his hands. "Anti?"

"N-no p-please stay away from me." He choked. "I don't want to hurt-."

"Sh sh it's okay Anti." Schneep reassured, running his hand through his hair. "Calm down. You vont hurt us. I promise... look at me."

Anti slowly looked up at Schneep, with green puffy eyes. Instead of seeing hate or scorn in the doctor's eyes, he saw comfort and warmth, along with a caring smile. He blinked a couple of times, realizing how... calm he was... and he was in control. He sniffled as he sat up. "The... the virus.. wears-?"

"I took care of it Anti." Marvin answered. "It was a bitch to get it out but." He smiled, as he reached into a bag pulling out a jar, with tiny black and green pixels, beating against the glass. "I got it."

Anti stared at it in shock. "You... you got it.. out?"

"Ofcorse buddy. We were not just gonna leave it in you if it was causing you this much suffering." Marvin said making the jar vanish.

"Vhy didn't you tell us?" Schneep asked rubbing his shoulders.

Anti sniffled as he wipped his tears away. "It was my burden to carry. I didn't want it to cause you guys problems... but now look what's happened. I put you guys through so much shit and-."


Anti looked up to see a bruised up Jackie, causing Anti to stare in guilt. 
"It was me that put you through so much shit." Jackie began. "I'm the asshole here. You were trying to be good, along with fighting this virus, and I didn't appreciate it... and for that, I'm so sorry."

Anti felt his lips pull up into a sad smile, he went to get up, but he fell back, hissing in pain.

"Careful, you're still banged up a bit." Schneep said covering him slightly.

"H-how long was I out?" Anti whispered looking at the ceiling.

"Three days." Chase spoke up. "We all took turns watching ya."

"Yeah, even Jamie did, as bad of shape he was in, I'm surprised he hasn't fallen asleep vatching ya."

"Yeah well-." Anti's eyes snapped open as he sat up. "Jamie?!, w-where is he?! Is he okay?!"

There was a slight knock at the door, causing everyone to turn. Standing there was none other than Jamie who was leaning on a crutch, a smile forming on his face upon seeing Anti.
Anti's heart completely shatters at the state the dapper ego was in. He had bruises and cleaned cuts all over, his leg wrapped up along with his waist. But the first thing he saw was the big bandage on his cheek from where he cut it. Anti choked out a sob shaking his head. "Oh J-Jamie."

Jamie smiled as he limped over making it passed the others.

"Jamie please forgive me I-I didn't mean to-."

Anti's apology was cut off when Jamie wrapped his arm around him, pulling him into a hug. He went stiff under his touch for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around him nuzzling his head into his shoulder. He whimpered as Jamie rubbed his back. "I'm so sorry Jamie." He whispered, his voice cracking.

Jamie pulled away, tears falling from his eyes as he signed. "It's alright Anti... I got my friend back. That's all that matters."

Anti looked into the non-speaking ego's warm eyes before trailing off to the bandage. He knew it was gonna scar, leaving behind a reminder of what he had-. Anti was brought out of his thoughts when Jamie held his face, forcing him to look into his eyes.

"I forgive you." He signed, happily, wipping his tears away.

Anti smiled as he pulled Jamie into a hug, not wanting to let him go. 

The others smiled as they followed in suit, hugging the dapper ego and the glitch. Their family finally hole again.

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