Chp2: Tears Streaming Down Her Face

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chp: 2 Tears streaming down her face.

"Ohhh I like this." Em held up a black top with crystals on it.

"It's pretty." I shrugged. I was never obsessed over shopping. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy buying clothes sometimes. As for Em, she's been shopping the past 4 hours, dragging me with her everywhere. This was the second time I went shopping with Em. It's actually funny how time flew so fast. Isaac and I have been talking for 2 weeks.

I heard a groan beside me. I glanced up at Em who put the top back and glared at me.

"You know, acting like you're having a good time wouldn't hurt you." She pouted, crossing her arms.

"Remind me how old you are again?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes back at her. That resulted Em facepalming herself and dragging me to KFC. I grinned. "Emma, I love you."

"I know." She looked around -knowing her, she's probably looking for some hot guys-and walked towards the short line.

"You're such a bitch." We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Twinsies?" I winked.

"Twinsies." She laughed, winking back.

After ordering, we got our food and sat at a table beside the window.

"So how's David?" She playfully glared at me, giving me her infamous 'Don't-Talk-When-You're-Eating' look.

"He's good. He actually asked me if you wanted to go on a double date with us but I told him you're single. And how's Isaac?" She winked at me. "You know, I already ship you together. Alaac? Or Isaly?"

"It's Alaac." I mumbled without meaning to. Em's eyebrows shoot up and I groaned. "For the effing last time, Isaac and I are friends. Plus shouldn't you be warning me? News flash, I haven't seen him yet. He could be a girl." I pointed out but she still looked amused. This girl.

"Like that would stop you." Touchè. "You'll be fine." She lazily smiled, taking a sip from her drink.

"EMMA I CAN'T FEEL MY LEGS." I groaned, throwing myself on my bed. It felt so so good right now. I watched Em jump and lay beside me. In all honesty, she did not look tired.

I looked up as I watched my phone for a whole 30 seconds.

"Someone's popular." I rolled my eyes and took it. I opened it up to see most of them from Kik. The rest were snapchat and Instagram. I answered all of them. The last text was from Isaac. I didn't get to read before it was snatched away from my hands.

"Awh, he's so sweet." I reached out, trying to grab it but had no energy whatsoever. "Good morning Al x, don't forget to come on today at 12 ;)"

I blushed and finally grabbed it. I quickly typed a reply-with emma peeking-. I went back to see Sarah and Jade replied.

"Dude I got to go, I need to go show David my new clothes." She grinned, winking at me. I wasn't sure if her words had another meanings behind them or I was just really dirty minded. Oh god, I sound like Isaac. "You're lucky it's summer break, means you have more time to spend with lover boy." She winked again before dashing out, probably running for her life. I heard her laughter from downstairs before the door opened and closed.

I replied to Jade and clicked on Sarah's text. I gasped when I read her text.

-I was thinking, we're only 20 minutes away from each other. How 'bout we meet?-


Sarah was stunning. You'd think she has everything but she actually doesn't. She suffers many things, one of them being depressing. We've always been there for each other. It's funny how much we have in common. She, like a normal person would do, have warned me about Isaac. There were fakes everywhere on the Internet and It's very likey that Isaac is one of them. But there's something about him, you just know he's a guy.

Sarah and I kept texting, planning it out. In the end we decided to meet on Wednesday. That meant I have 4 days before I meet her.

Jade and Isaac have gotten closer the past 2 weeks. They even have lots of inside jokes that Jade would have to spend hours explaining them to me. I started thinking, should I tell Jade? It's not like it's a secret or anything. In the end, I decided to keep it to myself and then surprise her later. Jade and Sarah have talked a few times before. I tried to get Sarah to text Isaac but she wouldn't allow it. She was way too shy to do so. She didn't know how laid-back Isaac actually was. He was really different.


I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked alright, I think. I ve woren my black knee-ripped jeans, a 5 seconds of summer shirt with a coat on top. We were both big fans of 5 Seconds Of Summer (something Isaac teases me about). I was currently in the girls bathroom. I had 5 minutes before I had to meet Sarah at Next. I walked outside, glancing at my phone every once in a while before I crashed into someone. I looked up to see Drake Mullen. I could feel myself heat up as I tried not to check him out. He was fit and he knew it.

"I'm sorry-," He obviously haven't seen me yet. He looked up and gave me his famous sexy smile. I honestly don't know how he does it. "Oh hey Ally, what're you doing he-" Before he could finish his sentence, Sandra Reily stood beside him and held his hand in hers. I froze, trying not to break in front of them. "Oh Sandra, you know Ally right?" Drake turned to Sandra, who was glaring at me. Bet she was trying all of Harry Potter's spells. Wait never mind, I doubt she knows who Harry Potter is.

"Of course." She smirked at me as if she knew something I didn't.
"D, the movie is about to start. Let's go." She quickly dragged him away leaving me here stunned. Sarah and I have talked about Drake before. He acts l-Sarah. Oh my god. I took out my phone and saw it was 3:10. I was 10 minutes late. I quickly ran, mentally thanking god for giving me long legs. When I entered-no more like burst into-Next, I saw Sarah sitting there. She looked bored out of her mind. Beside her was her friend, who obviously was filming everything.

"SARAH." I ran to her, ignoring the stares I was getting from everyone around us. She looked up and yelled my name out. I couldn't help but think of all the videos we watched online about friends meeting. We hugged each other tightly. I couldn't help but tear up. As for Sarah, she had tears streaming down her face.
Her friend beside her was recording everything with a grin on her face. Her face looked like it was going to break any second now from how big her grin was.

When we finally let go, we walked to Starbucks and ordered our drinks.

"I can't believe we finally met." We've been thinking about it the minute we found out we weren't too far away from each other.

We sat there for an hour, talking about everything. Even though we've talked about everything before online, it still didn't seem boring.

"I am so sorry Als, I really have to go. We've to go catch the bus quickly." We both stood up, hugging each other again before she walked away.

I told her about Drake and Sandra. She sat there, saying every swear word possible before hugging me, telling me he's not worth it. She helped me forget him for an hour.


It seems like I am moving fast but I can assure you, I AM NOT. This story is all planned out.

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