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It was the day I had not been looking forward to. In fact, I'd be totally fine just skipping my birthday as a whole. Of course, my family would never allow that, but it was a nice thought. I sat nervously at my office desk, my knees bouncing up and down. I kept coming up with scenarios of everything that could go wrong tonight, and the ideas were endless. Like what if Franco slips up and reveals that he's only faking being my boyfriend for the night? Or what if they have a plan to get me impregnated by the end of the night so they'll finally have some grandkids?

I told myself those were all ridiculous ideas and to calm down, but that wasn't enough. At least I tried. 

"Are you okay?" My eyes instantly snapped up to be greeted with Whitney, someone from the design team. "You look like you're on the verge of having a heart attack?"

I raised a brow, "Huh?" She scoffed as if it was obvious how much of a wreck I was at the moment. It's then that I realized how much my legs were shaking and I'm starting to break a sweat. "Oh, just stress from work." I lied. Whitney was a decent person, but not someone I'd share anything personal with. Some people considered her the bitch of the office, but to me she was okay. The only reason why she stuck around was that she was good at her job. 

"Working on that job promotion?" She smirked knowingly as she leaned against my desk. 

"Yup," Was all I said with a forced smile and a nod. 

"Well I just came over because I needed your help with something," she explained. "I'm struggling with ideas for this complicated website design these people want," Whitney groaned out. 

I smiled at her, I need to be distracted for a while anyway, "Sure, no problem." I shrug and get up from my seat to follow her back to her desk. 

I'm successfully able to tear my thoughts away from tonight and get some work done before I'm off. Then, it's time to worry again. On my way out of the office, I text Franco. 

I'm off and able to pick you up now. I hit send, figuring it's good enough. 

I wait a couple of minutes, anxious for a reply. I check the time and see it's almost four. What if he backed out on me? The buzz of my phone relieves me.

I'm at the hardware store. Is his simple reply. 

My heart starts to pound loudly as I drive in the direction of Marshall's store. I had no clue why I felt this nervous. My parents wouldn't suspect a thing, I was almost sure of it. I had no reason to be so scared. In fact, I tried to scold myself to quit. Didn't work, of course. 

I was in the parking lot of the hardware store in no time, Franco stood outside next to his truck. Part of me was surprised he was waiting patiently for me, I figured I'd have to go searching for him inside. I was not in the mood either to explain to Marshall why I was picking Franco up for my birthday dinner. So I was internally grateful for Franco being outside the store. 

I stopped my car next to his, and he walked over to the passenger side and got in. Franco didn't say anything once the door was closed. "So," I glanced at what he was wearing. I was surprised to see his outfit was different than the other couple times I've seen him. He had on black jeans this time with a clean white shirt. "Is that what you're planning to wear tonight?" I nod towards him. I had no problem with the outfit actually, I just wasn't sure how formal my family was planning to be for my dinner this year. I didn't want him to feel or look out of place. 

"Yeah, I hope it's okay?" Franco says sounding unsure all of a sudden, glancing down at his clothes. 

"It's fine," I reassure him and turn my head to give him a quick smile. I drive towards the direction of my apartment. It's close to everything else in town. I park the vehicle and we both quietly get out and I lead him to the apartment that is mine.

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