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I wish I was better at updating. Oops, don't hate me! I try to be better, I promise. 


It was early. Early enough that my alarm still hadn't gone off, and I had woken up to someone banging on my door. I tried to ignore it at first with the hopes it would stop but it, unfortunately, did not. I absentmindedly got up from the comfort of my bed and threw my door open. "What?" I all but snarled out sounding half-dead, and I felt that way too. All I wanted was to get back in bed before I actually had to get up and go to work.  

"Uh," The sight of Franco standing in my doorway woke me up a bit more, but not by much. I had honestly forgotten he was here until about a moment ago when I was woken up by the intense knocking at my bedroom door. 

He was slowly raking his eyes up and down my body, "What!" I snapped again, my words coming out harsher than they were meant to but I was too tired to care. Hey, it was the sleepiness talking and I wanted to get back in bed.

"Your, uh-" He looked over my body again, and then that's when I realized. I all but screamed and failed miserably at covering myself up. I was standing there in front of Franco, who was dressed in sweats and a shirt, in nothing but a flimsy baby pink nightgown. I was wide awake now and very aware of what had him distracted. 

I inched over slightly, still trying to cover myself, and grabbed the bathrobe that hung on the hook behind my door. I quickly threw it on and tied it up. Skimpy nightgowns were typically what I wore to bed, but usually, no one was actually around to see me in one so it didn't come to mind what I had on when I answered the door to Franco. 

"Okay," I sighed out, the feeling of any tiredness I had before was now gone. "What is it?" The thought of going back to bed was now thrown out the window. 

Franco could finally look me in my eyes now as he spoke, "Your mom."

"What?" The short statement reminded me of one of those stupid 'your mom' jokes, and that's honestly what I thought he was doing and I was about to be pissed if he had woken me up for that. 

"Your mom is here." He said again, this time adding the last part and then I understood. With wide eyes, I shoved past him and into the living room. 

"Right now?" Stress suddenly took over my entire being. Why was she here? And this early too? Oh shit, Franco! What do I do about Franco?

"Yeah, she's been here for like the past like five minutes." He casually explained as he followed closely behind me.

I suddenly turned to him, catching him off guard, "Five minutes! Why didn't you open the door?" 

"I didn't know what to do, so I went to go get you after seeing it was her out of the peephole and started banging on your door." He defended. "Did you know you're quite the heavy sleeper?" 

"Franco! Just follow my lead!" I said all of a sudden sounding exasperated. 

"Okay, but is this going to be another one of those situations where you tell me to follow your lead... but you really end up having to follow my lead?" He asked as I went to go open the door. 

I just looked back and shot him a glare before opening the front door to my mother who looked slightly annoyed having to wait there for so long. 

"Cordelia, do you realize how long I was waiting?" She questioned as she welcomed herself into my apartment. 

"Sorry," I said trying to sound genuine as I closed the door behind her. 

"Oh!" She suddenly chirped, any traces of her being irritated had vanished when she saw Franco standing there in my living room. "I didn't expect to see you here, Franco, but I'm glad I caught you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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