Chapter 14

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The next day you found your coat and scarf at the front door, which was fortunate since your father was going to take you to find a job soon. You were pretty sure you knew who left them. As the week went by, you helped your parents fix the hole in the roof and with others things around the house, and your father got a better job at the toothpaste factory, repairing the machine that had replaced him. Soon enough, the family was able to eat better food than ever before, much to their relief.

Things were getting better just like your grandmother said, but you couldn't deny that you still missed Willy Wonka.

After a few days you got a job as a part-time shoe shiner. You were pretty content because you always got to see the factory on the way to the Graystone Café where your station was. It was a small area by the window, a quaint little spot with two seats and the things you needed for the work.

You would often hum the tunes of the songs the Oompa-Loompas sang back at the factory, they were just too catchy to forget. You hummed the tune of the song that was sung about Violet as you finished up with a customer, then moved to the one on the other side like usual. The man had a newspaper in front of his face so you couldn't see what he looked like. As you started to work on the man's shoes, he spoke. "Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell--eh--Walter." 

"Willy Wonka." You corrected.

"That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose maybe he's just a rotten egg who deserves it." You frowned at the customer's rude words. "I don't think so at all." 

"Oh, really? You ever met him?" 

You looked up at him, wishing that newspaper wasn't in his face, but he didn't move.

"I did. He'll always be the most amazing person I've ever met in my life." You answered. "I'd do anything to be able to see him again." You went back to his shoes, but stopped when you heard the man actually lower his newspaper and say: "Well, then today's your lucky day." You looked up again and saw none other than Willy Wonka himself in the chair, he was wearing his sunglasses from before and grinning sweetly.

"Willy!" You gasped and smiled widely, standing and jumping up to hug him. He hugged back with a laugh, patting your head. "I missed you so much!" You told him joyfully.

You were surprised it was him, you could hardly tell since he was wearing his coat that concealed most of him, plus the newspaper. "I missed you too." He responded softly. After a minute you both pulled back. 

"Why are you here?" You asked curiously.

He frowned a little. "I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?" "Well, I usually just think of you." You giggled a bit. He looked surprised, but he smiled. "You never cease to be sweet, now, do you?" He chuckled, patting your head again.

"Um, Willy?" 


"Did you... have something against my family?" You tilted your head, remembering what he said about chocolatiers not needing family. He sighed. "It's not just your family, it's the whole idea of--..." He paused, yet again unable to speak that one word.

You wondered if he could actually say it if you waited, so you stayed quiet. But, as you half expected, he just gave up and continued. "You know, they're always telling you what to do and what not to do, and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere." 

"Well... if I've learned anything from watching others, it's that they're just trying to protect you, because they love you." Mr. Wonka cringed in disgust at your advice, turning his head away.

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