Chapter 16

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Naomi drew a long, shallow breath through her quivering lips, splashing water on her panicked face to calm her nerves. Even though she was safe at school, mid-day---hours after Darryl's tried to assault her---she was still shaken with fear. She peered at the mirror in the girls' bathroom, still seeing the creases of fear around her eyes. What did I say? How was anything I said mocking them? She wanted answers but she hadn't seen or heard from Darryl since last night and worry crept up her spine for the millionth time that day. What if Darryl is badly hurt...or worse?

Naomi shook her head violently, wiping the tears that were welling in her eyes, and for once she was grateful that Miles was still sick from school. She had called him last night after she calmed down and he promised her that he was getting better and would be able to make their plans the next day. She filled him on the party which he was over enthusiastic to go. Her parents were on board with their plans, too. The bathroom door creeked open as a girl came in and Naomi pushed past her through the exit, not wanting anyone to see her falling apart. 

She stumbled out into the quiet and empty hallway. She headed in the direction of her class, blinking away the tears that threatened to spill over onto her cheeks, keeping her head down. Suddenly, she heard the sound of slow footsteps ahead of her and she glanced up seeing Darryl with a cold glare in her direction. She was first confused at his hostility but the dam of tears she was trying to hard to keep up, finally burst as she saw his right hand heavily bandaged in white gauze.

Before she could even think about what she was doing, Naomi ran up to him and threw her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly and loudly sobbing into his navy-blue button-down shirt. She could feel him tense under her touch, but she held on tighter and sobbed harder. 

"Naomi..." Darryl started, his voice a little stern, "You're getting really loud and you're wetting my shirt."

Naomi pulled away, swatting at her cheeks. "What did he do to you?" Naomi asked hysterically. 

"Nothing! Now can you keep your voice down!" Darryl yelled in a whispered voice. Naomi looked at his injured hand once more. "You actually think my father would intentionally hurt me?" Darryl's glare bore into her eyes.

"Then why was he ready to intentionally hurt me?" 

Darryl didn't reply, instead his glare turned colder and more intense. "Why didn't you leave like you said you were?" 

Naomi's eyes widened in rage at his rebuttal. Is he really gonna blame me for this? "Are you trying to say what happened last night was my fault?" She had never seen him so enraged. She could see the throbbing of his veins at his neck. She waited for his answer but instead he remained silent. "Why won't you answer any of my questions, Darryl?" Naomi spat. She had never felt like punching his face in, until now.

"'Cause you won't answer any of mine." he answered dryly, cupping his injured hand into his good hand. Why is he so damn frustrating? 

 "So what now? Should I go over there and apologize for saying 'hello' to your father that nearly attacked me?" Naomi asked sarcastically. 

She noticed his eyes widen a fraction--almost in fear--before his eyes resumed its cold glare. "Don't go near him, Naomi. Ever. And I mean it. It's your fault that I got hurt because you didn't leave when you said you would." 

"Are you fucking kidding me, Darryl? I could have called the cops, you know? I could have told my parents or filed a complaint and have this shit blow up in your face by the time you were pouring your breakfast cereal, do you understand that?" Naomi shouted in a whisper, remembering that they were still in the empty hallway. At that, Naomi could see the glare lines of his face fall into a calmer state as he nodded solemnly. 

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