Chapter 19

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The next day it rained. It was a muggy, Friday morning with everyone in their rain gear, but the hot and humid weather did nothing to diminish everyone's excitement about the weekend ahead. But as Naomi walked through the front entrance her mood was instantly nullified. She was waiting for someone to approach her and laugh in her face, and she was bracing herself for whatever Miles had to say.  

She had known Darryl had walked her home last night--keeping his fair distance behind her--though walked her nonetheless. But she didn't give a rat's ass and she wasn't grateful. As she had stormed off in the direction of her house, she had kept hoping someone would just run him over. When she got to the front door of her house, she deftly gave him the finger and slammed the door behind her. Before her parents could question her about her whereabouts and her angered mood, she flew up her stairs to her room whipping the wet shirt off of her and threw herself at the mercy of her bed, spending the night screaming and crying into her pillow. She knew as she pushed through the busy morning crowd that her eyes were blood red and she hoped that Miles would see her and beat himself up for not coming to her rescue last night.  

She almost sobbed when she saw Miles waiting patiently by her locker, looking as ravishing as ever in his brown leather jacket--his muscles tightly straining against the sleeves--and his black jeans. She was surprised as he greeted her with a remorseful smile and a soft kiss to her temple. He eyed her cautiously, noticing the dark circles and the tear marks on her face, she guessed.  

"Are you upset with me?" He asked as she opened her locker. Shouldn't I be the one asking you that question? "Darryl almost punched the Hell out of me earlier, before they opened the front doors, when he told me what happened last night and didn't come to get you." He said wryly. 

"He told you what happened?!" Naomi exclaimed in disbelief, her hate growing for the bastard even more. Even though she had ended their deal, he still had the audacity to try and sabotage her relationship.  

"Naomi, baby. You don't have to be embarrassed any more. If you would have told me that Tameeka had something to do with you crying last night, I would've came." He coaxed, bringing his arms around her and hugging tightly. "I can't believe she still holds a grudge over you stealing me right under her nose after that night." He murmured thoughtfully as he kissed her hair.  

Naomi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Darryl told you that?" She asked incredulously. 

"Yea. I'm sorry, Naomi. I shudda been there for you...I love you." He whispered lovingly into her hair as he tightened their embrace. 

She should have told him that she loved him back, but she couldn't, because it wasn't true. His apology was endearing and him saying those three words to her had always been a fantasy of hers that had come true, but now it didn't comfort her--instead she wanted to run.  



"I said I love you." 

"I know."  

He chuckled--she liked how he was able to laugh even through the awkwardness, "Wow, you must be really upset."  

Naomi chuckled, too, "I forgive you. I just need time to clear my head." She cupped his face in her hands and kissed his lips lightly--because it was all she could handle--and pulled away from their embrace. 

"So, tomorrow you wanna help me rent out a tux or are you gonna hate me enough to let me suffer." He joked, his eyes smiling down at her. 

Naomi couldn't help but feel better as Miles's charm dazzled her yet again. "Noo." She drawled, teasingly. "I can't have you look like Hell and while I look sexy in my dress." 

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