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You were really bored but you couldn't do anything because your parents locked you into your room cause the found out you and bigi were dating and they don't like bigi cause the believe all the trashy lies about Michael. You felt very bored and lonely being locked in your room for such a long time you have been stuck in there for 2 weeks and the onoy times you could come out was to eat. You decided to call bigi and sneak him over your house for a little cause you we're tired of the lonley feeling you had

B=Bigi   Y=y/n


Y:hey bigi

B:you still can't come out of your room?

Y:No but that's why I called

B: what

Y: ever since I've been stuck in my room I feel lonely and bored and I have nothing to do could you umm find a way to sneak in my house

B: I can try but how

(You heard your parents coming up stairs)

Y:I don't know just find a way I'll text when to come i have to go now bye

B: bu-

You ended the call and and acted like you were sleep until you felt someone tapping you to wake up

"Y/N wake up it's time for dinner"your   mom said

"Ok"You said jumping and running downstairs everyone was staring at you were as you were stuffing the good in your mouth not even taking a chance to swallow your food then you jumping out of your seat to clean your fish and jog back up stairs they let it go assuming you were mad at them and didn't feel like dealing with your family

You got your phone out and told bigi he could come over now about 20 minutes later you heard a knock on your window you didn't see bigi there so you jist watched the window and you saw a rock hit it. You opened the window and looked down and saw bigi

"What are you doing" you whispered loud enough for him to hear

"How do I get in" he asked

You looked down and noticed the tree limbs were falling off. Damn tree.

"Umm look through my parents room window and see if they're in there" you demanded

"They are" he said

"Ok see if the front door is open if it is just try to sneak in through there my room door should open from the outside i guess" you told him

A couple minutes you heard your door open and saw bigi.

"Finally"you sighed

"Your room is messy"he chuckled

"You try being stuck in your room for two weeks" you Defended yourself

"I'm good being a free human" he said

"Thanks for coming"you smiled

"If we get caught your paying for my funeral " he said

"A your welcome could've been better" you said

" not really Well what do you want to do" he asked

"Umm I'm not sure "You said you both started talking quitly about stuff you even talked about how much he missed his dad. Then you both played games on your phone's having a competition to see who could get the most points. You heard someone coming up the stairs and basically threw bigi in our closet

"Come in " You said after someone knocking on your door

"Who were you talking to" your mom asked

"Myself" you lied

"Why would you be talking to yourself" your mom asked

"I guess that's what happens when you've been locked in your room"you said

" you can leave your room but if i catch you talking to that boy you are coming right back in here you know i dont like his family" your mom said

"But his family didnt do anything wrong" you frowned

"His father hurt kids" your mom yells

"His father did not hurt anyone he wouldnt hurt a fly and flys are annoying" you defended

"I dont care just don't talk to him" your mom frowned at you

"Im not going to waste my life always doing what told" you told your mom

"I am your mother you have to listen to me young lady" your mom yelled

"Im not wasting my life always doing what im told and especially in this situation cause everything your saying is lies and you're the one that told me not to believe lies so im the smart one"you repeated with FACTS

"Fine i dont care" your mom says slamming your door

"Should i go " bigi asked

"No stay im bored" you said

"Ok so now what" bigi asked

"Can we go to your house" you asked

"Sure" bigi said with the most confused look half way down the road your house still being visable bigi started walking slower

"Walk faster" you said pushing him

"Won't you get in trouble"he said

"Yeah so" you said

"when did you become such a bad child" bigi smiled

"Since now, now walk faster" you chuckled


i know this is short/weird but at least its something right


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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