Chapter 4

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 The next day, we had our rehearsals as promised. We need to be more prepared before we go to Japan. Our flight will be next month. After our session, we went to the nearest restaurant to grabbed some food. 

 "Honey I don't want noddles." Irene complained as talked to Seulgi.

 "I thought you like it? You just said it earlier." Seulgi groaned and I can tell she's annoyed. I laughed at them. 

 "What are you laughing at Manoban?" Irene blurted out and I stopped from laughing. What's wrong with her? 

 "Honey .." Seulgi called her and they went back to bicker again. Irene acting so weird today. But this is not the first time. 

I shrugged it off and went to looked for my fiancee. I smiled when she walked towards our table with Rose. Jennie sat beside me and I smiled at her. She intertwined our hands while leaning her head onto my shoulder. 

 "Manoban come with me!" I heard Seulgi called me and I rolled my eyes. 

 "Go on. It's okay." Jennie assured me with a smile and I just nodded. I stood up and went to Seulgi.  We're falling in a line to get our orders. 

 "You okay?" I asked Seulgi cause she's sighing for the nth time already. 

 "Yeah. It's really hard to deal woman sometimes." She answered and we both chuckled. 

 "You're right but that's what attracts us even more right?" I asked and she nodded in agreement.

 Soon our orders come and we carried it. Nayeon helps us and we placed the foods in our table. I went back to my seat beside Jennie. We started to eat but I can feel pair of eyes looking at us. And I was right.

 "What?" I asked them since they were all staring at us. I trailed my eyes where they were actually looking and my eyes widen when I realized it...

 "So? You guys are not planning to tell us?" Jisoo asked while raising her brows. 

 "Unnie... I'm about to tell you earlier but Rose interfere." Jennie answered 

 "Yeah. Rose can't handle her excitement when it comes to food." Jisoo answered and Rose smack her head. 

 "Yah! As if you're not obssess with your chickens.!" Rose fired back and we all laughed at them.

 "So, you guys are engage now eh?" Tzuyu asked and I nodded shyly.

 "Wow dude! I never thought you'll gonna get serious." Seulgi teased and Irene slapped her arms. I laughed at her and Seulgi rolled her eyes. 

 "Yes, I'm serious and I can't wait to marry this angel." I said as I wink at Jennie. She blushed instantly and our friends started to teased us. 

 "Hurry up Lisa. I want to see youre litlle manobans running around." Jisoo teased and this time I blushed. Oh my god I can't imagine how could be my family will look like and it will surely be perfect because I have the perfect wife ever. I shook my head to get rid off my thoughts. 

Jennie showed to the girls her ring and I just smiled while watching her... They started to have their own conversations and Jennie told her how I propsed to her. They we're squeeling like teenagers while giggling. 

 "Are you okay?" I heard Seulgi asked her wife. 

 "Yeah...i'm just... Dizzy.." She answered.

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