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Taehyung's POV

Bits of the building flew everywhere. Some of it hit Y/N but it wasn't as bad as Jimin's injuries.

We ran over to the two after the explosion to check if they were OK. Y/N looked like she had passed out while Jimin had fainted due to the loss of blood. Y/N had some scratches on her face and some ash and sweat too, from the heat of the explosion. Jimin had a pool of blood surrounding his body.
"Namjoon, we need to get them to a hospital," I said, hoping that they would stay alive for us.


I woke up in a hospital bed. I didn't remember what happened for a few seconds but then it all came to me. The building had exploded while Jimin tried to get me out of there. I looked around to see Jungkook on a chair sleeping. I didn't really want to wake him up, he must've been really tired. I took off the blanket that was covering my body to plasters and bandages all over different parts of my legs and arms.
"Hey, are you OK now?" Jungkook asked, waking up and walking over to me. I simply nodded and picked up my phone. And that's when I remembered.
"JIMIN!" I shouted, I had to get to him.
"He is in another room with the rest of Bangtan, I could take you there if you want," Jungkook said. I quickly nodded as I stood up.

When we got to Jimin's hospital room, tears swelled up in my eyes. The rest of Bangtan were on some chairs, looking all tired and worn out. Jimin looked so peaceful, lying in the bed, as if everything that had just happened was a bad dream. He had a bandage wrapped around his head and his pale lips pursed. I quietly walked over to him and held his hand. If I had just brought him to the van, everything would've been OK. But it isn't.
"Right now, he is in a coma, we don't even know when he will wake up but we hope that it's soon," Namjoon said as he walked over to me.
"Why are all of you here, shouldn't some of you go home to make sure everything is OK?" I asked.
"Being here is more important right now, Jimin is badly injured and is in a coma and you have also injured yourself, we should've protected you so here we are," Seokjin said.
I realised that these people really cared about us, even though I had only been here for a month or two.

A month later,

I had healed but Jimin was still in a coma. I asked if we could go back to Korea once he woke up but Bangtan said that we can't do that unless they know that EXO aren't a threat to us anymore or are even dead.
I grew bored of just waking up and going to check if Jimin had woken up everyday. Will he be OK?

One day, I went to do some shopping around London with Jungkook when I got a call from Hoseok.
"Y/N," he said through the phone.
"What is it?"
"Jimin woke up,"

To be continued...

A/N- hope you liked this chapter


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