The unforgettable Question

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Link kissed me last week does he realy love me , I didn't see him since then. "hey guys" I smiled walking over to the table Ethan and Lena were sitting at, Link came jogging over smiling at me , I smiled back. "so, you guys going to the dance" , I frowned and looked down at my sandwich leanind against my arm, Lena looked anoiyed and gave link the stink eye but he didn't see her cause he was to bizzy chewing bubblegum and playing games on his phone.  I was a little diapointed that Link didn't ask me ,but pigs would have to fly if anyone was going to ask me .

I walked home and Buddy trotted after, I've realised I have fallen for Link. the dance was next week and I was going to be watching Friends on the T.v. on my own. I got to the cabin and the was a trial of blue and white roses leading up to the door of the cabin I picked up all the roses leading up to the door, right infront of the door was a note and a dark blue string of ribbon the note said 'I know you so well tie the flowers up with this', I took the ribbon and tied it around the bunch of flowers. I opened the door and Link was nealing down holding out what looked like a cryatal sead, I felt the tears come into my eyes and stream down my face,"Elanoura sparrow Ravenwood will you go to the dance with me and you know go out with me?" he was sweating and looked realy nervous, "of course I will!" Link took my hand and balanced the crystal sead on my wrist he presed it and a crystal vine went spiraling up my arm and stopped at my elbow it had lodes of medal charms on it, it had a twinkie bar on it a guitar  and a hart with me and links  names on it . "I love it!" Link picked me up off the ground and kissed me I put my hands around his neck , "I love you" I whispered in his ear , "I love you too" he whispered back and kissed me again.

Link stayed in my cabin until 8 o'clock  watching comedy's with me. that all happened realy fast today in fact a little two fast, but I'm realy happy me and Link are together .I'm on the dining table right now making my dress, well trying to make my dress. It's realy hard to work with silk, I just have one more srirch to do , and, done, my dress is white with a dark blue flower patern along the top edge of the dress and the bottom edge , I sighed, the dress is fianally ready and it's onely , half past ten.

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