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"anything. ill do anything.
i'll tell you what. ill do you a favor. ill write you a cheque. more money than your books will ever m-make."
simon scrambled to find his cheque book from the drawers in his office.
"oh simon, i dont want any money."

david went back home with a smirk on his face.he knew exactly what he was doing. he couldnt even sleep from the excitement!
the next day, david's phone was bombarded with messages from simon from the previous nights.

from: simon cowell
i take it back
i wont do anything
it depends on what it is
please answer
i take it back

david cracked a smile and typed:
you gave me your word

1 week later

david was sat in his dressing room, swiping through his instagram. he licked his lips and thought about the first favor he wad going to ask of simon. it had to be something embarrassing. something simon wouldnt dream of doing. he knew exactly what he wanted.
excitedly, he got up from his seat and put his phone in his suit pocket, and made his way to hair and makeup. that's where he knew simon was.
"simon!" david said obnoxiously loudly.
"yes david?" simon replied, sounding like he was dead.
"swing by my room, si." simon hated it when people called him si, but david knew what he was doing. he smiled widely and waited for his boss to get up.
david closed the door, and locked it.
"do me a favor, si, come with me to this exclusive club. ive got a plus one." david lied mischievously, with a permanent smile stuck on his face.
"shit. alright, fine. thats okay. i thought these were gonna be much harder. thats okay, i can come with you"
simon made his way to the door, which he unlocked and went outside of.
one hour later

the bgt crew was packing up and getting ready to leave, and it was time for the judges to leave with each of their cars.
david was different in that he drove himself to work, so he opened up the door to his black mercedes for simon.
the drive was quite awkward, since david liked listening to abba, and simon hated abba. david was furious and confused by that.
when they arrived, simon unbuckled his seatbelt (since he didnt trust david with driving, he thought he was insane.) and exited the car, putting his sunglasses on.
david and simon made their way to the entrance and the music slowly got louder and louder and the world got darker.
the club smelt strongly of tequila and cigarettes, so simon started rubbing his nose. then, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief of what he just saw. all around him there were men of different ages, making out. simons blood boiled as he made his way back to the car.
when david looked over his shoulder he noticed simon missing, so he went to the car, where he saw the man try to open the door.
"this bloody stupid do-" simon was interrupted by the beep sound coming from the car, signalling that it was unlocked.
david and simon entered and simon burst out of anger: "you cant just take me to a gay club david! do you think this is a joke? this would have seriously ruined my reputatio-"
"alright, sweetheart. i'll think of something else for you to do." david licked his lips and slumped down the drivers seat.

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