Unfulfilled life of Deku

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Izuku was walking home whit a sad look on his face. He had just witnessed his idol, All Might, turn into a weak and frail man. In addition, All Might had told him he couldn't become a hero without a quirk. It wasn't the first time Izuku had been told to give up, but it was definitely the one that had the most effect on him. He heard an explosion in the distance and became excited for a second, but the feeling quickly stopped when he remembered what All Might had told him. He decided it wasn't worth it anymore. What would he do with his analyses anyways, there was nothing he could do.

Subconsciously Izuku ended up walking to the source of explosions anyways. Since he had walked there he decided to see what the situation was. Izuku saw the sludge villain who had attacked him earlier. 'Didn't All Might capture him? How could he have escaped?' Izuku thought to himself before realising what had happened. "I caused this" He said quietly to himself. The hostage then released a big explosion that allowed Izuku to see his face. "Kacchan" Izuku said to himself. He was about to run and help his bully but stopped. 'What can I do? It's my fault the villain is free right now. I'll only make it worse' He thought to himself and looked down in defeat.

Suddenly, All Might charging at the villain and punched it away with a single punch. The punch was so powerful that it started to rain. Izuku looked at the victorious hero in amazement. 'All Might was right. I stand no chance against such evil. I can finally live a normal life' Izuku thought to himself as he walked back home, letting go of his dream.

"I'm home" Izuku called out when he came back. Inko came running at Izuku and hugged him in a tight hug. "I was so worried! I saw the news about that villain and was afraid you got hurt. I'm just happy you are alright" She said. "Mom?" Izuku said. "Yes Izuku?" she asked. "I don't want to be a hero anymore. I want to live a normal life" He said. "What made you change your mind?" She asked and let go of him. "I guess I just realized that I didn't want to be a hero anymore" Izuku replied. "That's good to hear. Now I know you will be safe" Inko said. "I'll go and make katsudon" She said and went to the kitchen. "I can't wait" Izuku replied and walked into his room and turned on his computer so that he could change his high school application.

After the incident Bakugo didn't bully Izuku nearly as much as he used to. If it was because of what happened, Izuku changing his application to the general education course or something else was hard to say. The other classmates continued, but even they didn't bully Izuku as much as before. Life was getting better for Izuku.

After 10 months Izuku was standing at the gates of UA ready for his entrance exam. The hero course test had been earlier that day and those who had applied was now leaving the campus. Izuku accidentally ran into Bakugo while admiring the building. "I-I'm sorry Kacchan!" Izuku blurted out while flailing his arms around. "Tch. Just stay out of my way Deku" Bakugo said and walked away without another word. Izuku then realised that he was getting late for the exam and hurried up.

Two weeks later a letter from UA arrived. Izuku already knew that he had passed the exam since he checked the answers himself when he got home. When he opened the letter there was a small disk that fell out and then a projection off Cementoss. "Izuku Midoriya, you passed the test with flying colours and have been accepted into the department general education. Congratulations" He said, and the projection disappeared. Izuku then picked up the letter saying which class he got into and who his homeroom teacher and classmates were. "Cementoss is my homeroom teacher. Cool" He said to himself as he read the letter.

Izuku's experience with UA was an improvement from his former school. Although, it wasn't so difficult. His classmates quickly found out that he was quirkless. They didn't bully him, but they didn't socialize with him either, so he ended up being alone for most of the time. There was one student he somewhat socialized with. His name was Shinso and he had messy purple hair. The only reason they sometimes talked with each other was because they both knew how it was to be told you couldn't become a hero. The only difference being that Shinso hadn't given up.

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