Chapter 1 Years Later!

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         It has been two years,  since Marinette gave Adrien her charm bracelet.   Adrien and Marinette have become rather close since then.  Adrien still has the bracelet she gave him and he gave Marinette a charm bracelet that he made homemade for a birthday present one year ago!  

     The two of them are almost inseparable. 

    They would be too,  If it were not for the day, Adrien goes on a date to the skating rink with Kagami!  He insist Marinette tag along to help him.  Marinette goes to be supportive of him because she loves him so much !  She really is one great friend!   Marinette invites Luka to come so she will not have to skate alone.  The whole thing is just one disaster after another!   

      First, Luka dances well while Marinette is not that great on the ice.  She only manages to avoid a fall because she holds on tight to Luka's hands. Second,  Adrien skates past them with Kagami and glares at Luka.  He looks miserable to say the least.  Third, Marinette gets jealous of Kagami with Adrien and lets go of Luka and she trips.   Fourth, Luka and Adrien both offer her a hand to help her up.  She is too upset to be able to think straight and is unable to choose.  Fifth, Kagami comes by helps her up and whispers in her ear,  "You only fail because you hesitate!  So do not hesitate, got it?"

   Marinette is upset, and leaves the ice.  Adrien chases after Marinette!  

Kagami is furious, but does not follow Adrien.  Luka just stands there not sure what to do.

    Later, Marinette and Adrien have to transform to defeat the villain Frozer, the ice rink owner and manager who is angry because Mayor Bougerious threatens to close his ice rink down for good.  They save the day as usual, as Ladybug and Chat Noir , but they do not know this and neither does anyone else.   

      Now, that everything is back to normal and they are destransformed, Marinette ask Adrien to go skating with her again. 

 "You mean j-just the t-two of u-us?"  Adrien says. He stutters a bit and blushes.  He is still in denial about his feelings for Marinette since he insist he loves Ladybug.

  "No, I mean as a group, you know with Alya and Nino, Kagami, Luka, the whole gang!"  Marinette says.

    "Yeah, I guess we could!  Well, see you a-around M-Marinette!"  Adrien says.

     "Y-yeah, s-see you, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      After Adrien leaves, Marinette turns to Tikki and says,  "Ugh !  Tikki, Tell me I did not just say what I did?"  Tikki looks at her and says,  "It is okay, Marinette one of these days you will get it right!"    Marinette smiles and says,  "Thanks, Tikki!"   

      Now, it is been four months since the ice skating incident and Marinette still feels so awkward about the entire thing.  She feels as if she may have lost all chances to tell Adrien she loves him!  What will she do?  What will she say from here on out?

      Adrien smiles when he sees Marinette.  He has no idea she still thinks about the whole "Frozer"  situation. He is just really happy to see her!  

    "H-hey, M-Marinette!"  Adrien says.

    "H-hey, A-Adrien!"  Marinette says.

     "Come, on girl tell him!"  Alya says.

     "I can not do it, Alya!"  Marinette says.

     "Do what dudette?"  Nino ask.

     "Tell me what?"  Adrien ask.  He wonders what it could be she desires to tell him.

      After school,  Alya and Nino, Adrien and Marinette are talking as usual.  Chloe comes by and is rude to Marinette like she normally is which is no surprise there!  

       "Chloe, stop!"  Adrien says.

      "But Adrikins!"  Chloe says.

     "Stop calling me, Adrikins!" Adrien says.  He walks away and climbs into the limo.  He goes on home.

     Time Skip brought to you by Tikki's  Best Cookies!

   Today is the day, Lila came back to school!  She claims she was gone for so long because she was out of town on vacation!  She goes on and on about all the places she got to see!  She brags out being close friends with Prince Ali!  She is makes a big to do about herself!   

 Marinette notices and is not to happy about it.  Adrien is not either for that matter.

  Lila lies and excuses Marinette of being horrible to her.  Almost everyone except for Adrien, along with Plagg and Tikki, believes her stories.  Even Miss  Bustier does !   

     After school,  Lila  threatens Marinette!  She says,  "Stay away from Adrien!  He is mine!  If you do not then I will turn everyone against you!  Soon, everyone will hate you Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"    Marinette is upset and does not listen to Lila the liar.

      Lila is so angry, when sees an akuma, she grabs it up and puts it in the pearl to her earrings on purpose!  She gets turned into the villain, The Chameleon.  

     Ladybug and Chat fight to try to defeat her!   As Ladybug tries to find the akuma,  The Chameleon, falls through a floor that Chat used his catacylsm on and she bumps into a clam.  She turns into a duplicate of it.  Ladybug finds it and gets help from the lady who owns the stand to open it.  She gets out the pearl and the akuma comes free!  Ladybug catches it!  

"Gotcha, no more evil doing for you little akuma!"  She purifies it and lets it go!  

"Miraculous Ladybug!"Ladybug says.

  "Pound it!'  Chat and Ladybug says as they do the usual fist bump.

   The two go separate ways to destransform.  

   Marinette is back at her house now and  sighs.  She has to admit that sometimes she wishes she knew who Chat Noir could be behind the mask.  She loves Adrien, but starts to like Chat some as well.  This makes her feel confused.

 Meanwhile, Adrien loves Ladybug as he tells Plagg, but he wonders what Marinette is up too lately!  He goes to see her and smiles when he sees she is safe!  He goes home before she sees him.  

  *Author's  note:  Personally, I wish they had left Lila a calm.  She was less mean, rude, and could not lie for once when she was in her shell!   Some might even say she had a clamitic exprience!  Got it?-Summer Cheng.*

   to be continued in Chapter 2  A day off?

My Marinette Lucky Charm?  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now