Mine Forever - Zaniel

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"Baby?" Daniel whispers. I roll over, seeing his eyes glowing from the golden sunrise.


"Let's get out of here."

"What?" I might only be half awake but it sounds like he wants to leave. Right now.

"Let's go on an adventure. Me and you. Please?" His eyes sparkle, and who would I be to say no to those eyes?

"Now?" I ask, glancing at the clock. 5:16 AM. "Why?"

Daniel shrugs. "Why not?" He rolls out of bed, taking the covers with him. "Let's go babyface."

"No," I say, curling into a ball and dragging out the O. "Too early. Too tired."

"We'll get Chipotle later," Daniel says, smirking. Damn it, he knows my one weakness. Other than him of course.

"Fine. But I'm sleeping in the car," I grumble, getting up and throwing on sweats.

"Of course," Daniel says, rolling his eyes playfully. "Who ever said you were driving? We wouldn't make it down the driveway without you crashing into air!"

I smile. "You're lucky I love you."

Daniel pecks my lips. "I know."

He packs up some stuff, and runs out to his car, leaving a note for the boys on the table.


Took Zach to the spot I was telling you about to do that thing that I was gonna do. Be back soon. Wish me luck.

Daniel and Zachypoo.

I roll my eyes, seeing 'Zachypoo' on the paper. I don't change it though. Too much work. Instead I go out to the car, seeing Daniel in the driver's seat, completing his playlist for the ride.

"Ready?" He asks, his eyes bright.

"Let's go." I slide into the passenger seat as Summer on You by PRETTYMUCH begins to play, Daniel singing beautifully along. He slides on his blue Ray-Bans as the sun comes through the car, painting us gold. Sleeping is useless.

"So where are we going?" I ask, thinking about the cryptic note that was left for Jonah, Jack, and Corbyn.

"You ask too many questions. Just trust me? Please?" Daniel says, looking at me over the tops of his frames.

I laugh. "I do trust you, I just want to know where we're going."

"We're going to a place." Daniel smiles, proud of himself for that little comment.

"I hate you," I grumble, unable to hold back my grin once Dani laughs.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just enjoy the ride."

I sigh and look out the window, rolling it down and shivering at the cool morning air. I never noticed how beautiful LA is at 6 AM. Probably because I'm always asleep.

Sixteen songs later, complete with Daniel and I screaming the words, I smell salt in the air. Seconds later we pull up to a beach, completely deserted.

"Daniel, what are we doing here?" I ask. Too late. Daniel is already out of the car, running toward the waves. He dives in, fully clothed, snapback still on his head.

"You're insane!" I scream at him, laughing. I get out of the car, slipping off my shoes and socks to feel the cool sand beneath my feet, not yet warmed by the sun.

"You're not spontaneous enough!" He counters. I smirk, running straight at him. His eyes get wide, thinking I'm going to crash right into him. Instead I take a running leap and jump over him like a hurdler, splashing into an oncoming wave.

"Okay, okay, you're definitely spontaneous," Daniel says once I resurface. I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to his back. He carries me up the beach to the sand, both of us laughing like maniacs.

"How are we going to explain this one to the boys?" I ask, motioning to my sopping wet clothes.

"We don't always have to explain things to them," Daniel says, taking off his backwards snapback and shaking his hair out. "Some things are better without an explanation." Then he looks me straight in the eyes. "Or they could use their brains and figure it out for themselves."

We both burst out laughing like little kids. "Yeah right! Good one," I say once I've caught my breath.

"I tried, at least, to be serious," Daniel says, sitting next to me on the sand, snapback back on his head, dry. I steal it and pull it over my eyes. "Hey!"

"You have these," I say, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. "How did you not lose them in the water, by the way?"

"Magic," Daniel says, his eyes flashing with happiness. I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder, letting the sound of the surf fill my ears.

"Zach?" Daniel says.

"Yeah baby?"

"Do you know what today is?"

"June 16th, our anniversary. Why?" I open my eyes to look at him, his sunglasses off and features slightly nervous.

"Exactly two years ago today, I asked you to be my boyfriend. And today, I have another question to ask." He pulls out a little box, and I gasp, pulling my head off of his shoulder and looking him in the eyes.

"What are you doing?" I breathe.

"Don't worry," he says, "it's not what you think." He opens the box to reveal two promise rings, silver and engraved with Zach and Dani 6-16-16 on them.

"Zach," Daniel explains, slipping one of the rings on his finger, "these are promise rings. I hope to someday give you the real thing, but we're young. So I wanted us to promise that no matter what happens, we're always going to be there for each other. Because I want you to be mine forever. I promise. Do you?" Daniel, looking adorably nervous, holds out the other ring to me.

"Of course I promise, Dani. I love you so much," I say, taking the ring and sliding it on, admiring the way it looked. I kiss him, and he tastes like sea salt.

"I love you too, baby," he says interlacing our hands, our rings clinking together.

We sit on the beach, watching the sun rise the rest of the way.

"I'm hungry," I whine, putting my chin on Daniel's shoulder and kissing his cheek.

He chuckles, getting up and jogging to the car. He comes back with a Chipotle bag.

"How did you...?" I start to ask, and then stop myself, shaking my head and smiling. "You know what? Nevermind. I don't even want to know."

"I'm the great and powerful Daniel Seavey," Daniel says, handing me my food. "How dare you doubt me!"

I laugh, kissing his lips. "You're right. How dare I." We eat in silence, enjoying being together, and as we walk back to the car to go home, Daniel takes my hand.

And he doesn't let go, even as we're pulling out and getting back on the highway. He's mine and I'm his - forever.


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