You Are My Sunshine - Zonah

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Sunflowers. So. Many. Sunflowers.

I'd always thought that, at my wedding, I'd have the classic roses everywhere, but when I met Zach, all of that changed, and now - sunflowers. Everywhere.

"Jonah," says Daniel, my best man. "Everyone's seated. You ready?"

Straightening my suit jacket and adjusting the sunflower in my lapel, I ask, "How do I look?"

Daniel smiles. "Like a man who's about to get married." He loops his arm over my shoulders, and we enter through a side door to get to the altar.

The wedding procession goes by in a blur, but it also seems to take forever. And then I see him.

Whereas my suit is black and I have a sunflower in my lapel, his is white and he's carrying one single sunflower. His mom is walking him down the aisle, and she looks so proud.

When they reach the altar, Myta gives Zach a kiss and reaches up to touch his cheek. Then, she takes his hand and puts it in mine, giving him away to me.

"Take good care of him Jonah," Myta says, hugging me.

"Don't worry, Myta," I say. "He's in good hands."

Myta takes Zach's sunflower, and Zach takes both of my hands, meeting my eyes.

"Hi," he breathes, his cheeks flushed.

"Hi darling," I say, unable to hide how big my smile is. "You look absolutely breathtaking."

The priest begins the ceremony, and all too soon, it's time for vows.

"Jonah," Zach says, reading from a piece of paper. "I can't begin to tell you how wonderful you are, how long I've been waiting for this day. You make me feel safe, you make me feel loved, and you make me feel important. I promise to love you unconditionally, each and every day, until I'm gone from this earth." Zach takes a breath and smiles, starting to cry. "I love you forever and always. I love you to the moon and back again. I love you. So incredibly much."

"Aww, Zachy," I whisper, so that only he can hear. "You're going to make me cry."

Clearing my throat and pulling myself together, I begin my vows to him. "Zachary Dean Herron," I begin grandly. "There is not a single bad thing about you. You are kind, you are forgiving, and you are so, so beautiful, inside and out. I love every piece of you, from the childlike wonder to the fact that you are a terrible driver - and it's not only me that thinks that!" Zach's whole family, Daniel, Jack, Corbyn, Gabbie, and Christina all chuckle in agreement. I'm almost positive I even see baby Lavender crack a smile. "But despite all of that, I will continue to love you. How couldn't I? You are more than my best friend, my soon-to-be husband, my lover. You are the light of my day, the light of my world. You are my sunshine, and I couldn't be more grateful for you. I couldn't live without you, dear. I wouldn't want to even try."

Zach is left in tears, smiling at me. The priest finishes the ceremony, and thank God he does, because I can't go another second without kissing this boy. As soon as the priest declares us husband and husband, Zach launches himself at me and I take him into my arms, holding him.

"I love you so much, Jo," he says between kisses.

"I love you so much, Zach."

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away.


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