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Jimin hadn't meant to meet Jeon Jungkook, or run from his house and hometown after burrying his mother under the dusty ground of the cemetery. Jimin hadn't meant to meet any of Bangtan boys one day in the alley, or for them to hate him from the very first sight.

Jimin hadn't meant to wake up with bruises from then onwards, or to cheat on Jungkook eventually. Jimin surely didn't see the gang war coming, or that he'd get fucked over by the person he grew to trust the most.

Jimin had no idea of the danger behind Taehyung's devious smile, or the dry gleam in Jungkook's eyes.

He never thought he would ever end up like this.


Jimin thought that he should've noticed all the very shady deals sealed behind Jungkook's desk, away from curious eyes. He maybe should've doubted it but he didn't know, just like he didn't know anything back then.

Jimin wasn't allowed to ask about anything regarding Jungkook's job, and he never cared enough. Jimin didn't realize exactly when it went down, when he woke up every day with several bruises clattered around his collarbones, thighs, neck and face. When it had became so usual to hide his bruises with a cancealer every morning to avoid questioning stares.

Jungkook was never sober enough to differenciate the marks left by his own heavy fingers and the cruel ones of complete strangers. The two melted into the same canvas of blue and black long before Jimin could make the difference himself.

Jimin had promised himself in the beginning, that he wouldn't let himself be thrown around like that, that he wouldn't spiral down the very same path like he did before. But he had long forgotten that along with what was normal and what was abusive anymore. The line being blurry and hazy, totally invisible to his teary eyes.

But Jimin couldn't run from any of them, especially not Jungkook. He knew that he'd come back anyways, no matter what, a smile gracing his face as if nothing happened at all.

Well, it was like this until the day Taehyung decided to show up into his life, turning it upside down.


Painful screams and whimpers could be heard throughout the entire penthouse suite. A curled up boy was in the corner of the room, clutching his trembling legs with his trembling arms, putting his head between his legs as he felt another pull on his hair, he winced before he felt another harsh slap landing on his right cheek.

“How often should I tell you not to talk to anyone, huh?” The older male asked with a furious glare, his voice making a shudder travel through the smaller’s spine. He tugged Jimin from his hair again, the latter released a whimper but he didn't try to escape. Jimin's face contorted as he winced from the pain his boyfriend was so ruthlessly inflicting onto him, mercilessly, Jimin thought, but maybe he deserved it. He should've listened.

“I-I'm so sorry, puh- please forgive me.” Jimin stuttered between broken sobs and tears but he didn't make any effort to escape the olders's grip. He was used to it by now, all the burst outs of his boyfriend, all the times he unleashed all his anger on him. But there was nowhere else he could go. He had nobody but him, and when he thought about it, maybe even if given the chance, he wouldn't try to leave his boyfriend.

“It's the last time I see you talking to someone, next time, no college for you! You get it?” The taller guy asked clutching the smaller from the collar of his shirt, then beating his head against the wall. Jimin slid down the wall in pain, but the other just punched him to his stomach again. It was longer than any previous time, and more painful too. Jimin was tired of waiting for him to stop, and he was feeling like fainting.

He whimpered again as he felt the pain propagate through his skin, but the older didn't seem to care. He finally let go of Jimin for a second, though only to get his belt, but Jimin took the opportunity to flee away in a single instant, entering the bathroom and locking it behind himself. 

“Jimin, open the fucking door!” Jimin heard the angry voice of the older through the wooden grand door. He began kicking it with his fist violently, and Jimin gulped as he couldn't help but imagine the fists hitting against his soft skin instead of the wooden surface. When would he even stop?

“N-no I won't J-jungkook.” Jimin only whispered, but Jungkook didn't fail to hear him and he clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Jimin could imagine Jungkook's tongue pushing against his cheek without even seeing it, he could imagine Jungkook shrug and stare at him with those cold eyes. It somehow still had the same frightening effect on him.

“You dare going against my words you worthless fuck? My house, my rules. Didn't we agree on that already?” Jungkook spat as he pushed the door with his shoulder, and the door made a creaking sound, almost threatening to fall on his head.

“I swear if I open this door by myself that you won't like it in the slightest babe!”

Jimin opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say anything, the door fell right in front of his eyes, and he almost jumped at the loud deafening thud. His mouth went subconsciously ajar as he stared unblinkingly at the ruined door laying on the ground a few inches away from him. It was impressive how it fell down with only two pushes from Jungkook, but he couldn't help but think he was focusing on the wrong thing.

The strength of Jungkook was no joke. This was an absolute fact. He was strong in all kind of ways, had connections all over Seoul, made tons of cash every second, had endless companies, everyone feared him to an extant and even his physical strength was impressive. Jimin's mind almost snapped back to reality at the sound of ringing steps walking in his direction, and he couldn't dare to look up.

The look etched on his face could only be described as pure terror. Jimin felt his heart pounding so loud it would be a miracle if his heart didn't snap right out of his ribcage, if Jungkook couldn't hear his beats just as loud as he hears them. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was now trapped in the bathroom. There was no escape now, no surrender and no apologizes to be made. His lips shivered violently as he felt Jungkook advancing towards him, towering him immensely with his height.

Jimin felt like an ant right then, a tiny insignificant ant in the shadow of a massive boot waiting to be stomped on, result of Jungkook's shadow falling over him, and his gaze burning down at him with rage that his skin did almost hurt, did almost feel as if under fire. 

“Puh-please J-jungkook... I-I'm suh-so sorry.” He begged him once again. He'd never understand what made Jungkook so paranoid. Why he would think that any contact he'd have with any breathing human being would result in him cheating. Didn't he really trust him in that extreme manner? Did he really think that he was that disloyal? His reddened cheeks and eyes were wet with salty tears as he tried to swallow down his sobs, but they only seemed to increase in both volume and frequency. One's body could only take much.

Jungkook then squatted next to him, his merciless face dangerously close to his own. Jungkook's eyes didn't reflect any emotion at all, to the point they were hard for Jimin to even look at. Jungkook grabbed his chin with his long fingers, fixating the smaller’s cowering gaze to look at him straight in the eyes. 

“This will be the last time I accept such behavior Jimin. Do you understand?”

Jimin could barely nod at Jungkook before the latter grabbed him from his wrist, then dragged him out of the bathroom and threw him on the bed next to him.

“Now stop crying and fucking sleep!”

      BTS members don't have the same ages as in real life, their ages are:
Jungkook: 23
Taehyung: 21
Jimin: 20
Jin: 25
Namjoon: 25
Hoseok: 24
Yoongi: 21

They all -save for Jungkook- study in the same college ‘Seoul National University’.
Jimin and Taehyung are in the second year majoring in architectural engineering. The rest major in other things.


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