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Jimin heard it very well but it still couldn't register in his mind at all. He unbeknownst to him owned half of Jungkook's fortune. Jimin couldn't even process how much was the worth of it all, how in hell Jungkook put it under his name, when, or for how long. Nor the reason why Jungkook would even do such a thing.

Jimin just couldn't understand and even when he was putting his best mask, J-seph could see clearly that he was shocked. He assumed he was shocked because someone else figured out. And J-seph knew it was classified information, for nobody should know that Jungkook did write half his fortune under the name of someone else.

It would raise so much suspicion, so much trouble. What he didn't know was that Jimin himself had no idea he owned anything at all. J-seph kept talking just to release the tension that began to build in the air.

“So that's why I should've expected you to be important. Owning half everything makes you practically the boss too. It came out as a shock to me at I first when I analyzed the files, for I didn't expect it. I used to think you were just another one of Jungkook’s boytoys, but I was so damn wrong. I should've known it back then. That's what I meant.”

“Send the files you have over.” Jimin just muttered instead, unable to hear whatever the other man was saying at all. J-seph nodded understandingly as he gave him a usb, saying he always had a second one for random times Jungkook asked for random information.

“I want you and your men to gather at Gwanak-gu den asap, and to start hacking the prison facility. I want it hacked before I come back, also develop an escape plan to Singapore.”

J-seph seemed to say something, Jimin didn't know but he didn't find it in his heart to care at all, and he didn't even waste a second before storming out, missing whatever words of confirmation J-seph had muttered.

Jimin got to his car in a rush and started the engine. He didn't even know where he was driving, but his mind seemed to bring him back to that neighborhood where he left Yoongi unconscious. He thought it was a good idea to check on him anyways, so he parked his car next to the building and rung the bell.

He expected the nosy young blond non-korean doctor to open the door like last time, but a sleepy Yoongi with bed hair opened the door instead. Jimin smiled widely as he saw him, Yoongi hugged him and Jimin hugged back affectionately.

“Are you fine now Yoongs?” Jimin asked as he went inside holding hands with Yoongi. The latter nodded but Jimin could see that it was a meaningless gesture. For to him, Yoongi didn't seem fine at all. He still had that look in his eyes, sad and empty. Jimin could see it and it made his heart break.

“I'll get Taehyung out of prison, I promise. Please don't worry.” Jimin said with tenderness in his tone. He saw Yoongi smile a little, but it was forced. He knew that Yoongi couldn't help but worry anyways, probably for both of them too. Jimin could just as well fall in trouble while trying to save the other, it was a risk Jimin knowingly took.

Yoongi was looking at him as if he had something to say, but decided against it. And Jimin seemed to urge him with his eyes just to reveal whatever was bothering him. “I'll get him out of the country. He'll be safe, please trust me. I've already planned everything.”

“So you're planning on leaving me alone in Korea? You and Taehyung will both go and leave me behind?” Yoongi seemed to be clenching on his teeth as he said it but Jimin knew it wasn't anger, that Yoongi was rather hurt.

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑  ~ 𝓥𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓴𝓸𝓸𝓴  ~ 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝐴𝑈Where stories live. Discover now