Preference: Your Best Friend

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Find your K Project Crush, and find out who your best friend is while dating them.

Silver Clan:

Yashiro Isana-

Everyone in the Silver Clan loves you. Neko is the one that keeps you company most of the time, but Kuroh would never let anything happen to you. You've got a case of dual best friends.


You're quite close to Anna. As is Neko, but you're the one the Red Clan goes to when they need someone to help her.

Kuroh Yatogami-

Shiro is your absolute, without a doubt, best friend. This does make Kuroh jealous on occasion, but he loves you both.

Red Clan:

Mikoto Suoh-

Tatara is undeniably your closest friend. He stands by you when Mikoto is going about his Kingly duties.

Anna Kushina-

Yata takes care of you in every situation. If Ana is doing important things, you're always with Yata.

Izumo Kusanagi-

You've known Mikoto almost as long as Izumo had. The Red King considers you his closest friend, and you would do almost anything for him.

Tatara Totsuka-

While you don't see her very often, Seri and you are quite close. Before any battle between HOMRA and Scepter 4 you always give her a wave and she gives you a smile.

Misaki Yatagarasu-

You love hanging out with Neko. Just by existing, she can make Yata all flustered and nervous. It's quite amusing to see his face every time she walks in the bar.

Rikio Kamamoto-

Eric and Masaomi are the ones that are always hanging out around the bar. They always keep you company when Rikio is out on patrol or getting beat up by Yata.

Blue Clan:

Reisi Munakata-

Reisi hates your friendship with Fushimi. Anytime you're bored and he's busy, you'll hang out with Saru, that is until Seri tells Reisi that she saw you two hanging out. Once that happens whatever work he'd been doing is magically finished.

Seri Awashima-

There's something satisfying about being friends with your girlfriend's boss. Reisi has always enjoyed your company and you've always found his calming demeanor made it easier to focus.

Saruhiko Fushimi-

At first you became friends with Yata just to annoy Saru. But, overtime you enjoyed watching him show you his new tricks and just hanging out with him in general.

Green Clan:

Nagare Hisui-

It's hard not to be friends with Tenkei. He always takes care of your boyfriend, and you admire him for that.

Tenkei Iwafune-

You have many friends in JUNGLE, most of U-Ranks that is. If Tenkei has a day of rushing around and taking care of the J-Ranks you'll go out and help some of the U-Ranks gain points.

Yukari Mishakuji-

Sometimes Nagare and Sukuna are a nice break from Yukari's vanity. Nagare's quiet and calm personality allows you to focus on whatever video game you and Sukuna are playing.

Sukuna Gojo-

Yukari is very protective of you. Sukuna likes to charge after points, sometimes leaving you vulnerable. Whenever this happens Yukari is the first person to be at your side.

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