Jealousy Elaboration- Saruhiko Fushimi

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      You went to see Yata because Saruhiko was on a mission for Septer Four. You had changed out of your uniform and were now sitting on a low rising wall waiting for your friend. You started playing a game on your PDA, just a simple mindless one that wouldn't take your attention away from the environment around you. The sound of rolling wheels made you exit out of the game. You brought your gazed up to find Yata approaching you.

      "Yata!" You hugged your old friend as he stepped off his board.

      "Hey, (Y/n)." He hugged you back with a bright red face. "How's, ya know..." He trailed at his question.

      "Do you wanna know about Saru or Septer Four?" You chuckled at his inability to even utter the names.

      "Both." He shrugged. You smiled and jumped back up onto the wall and gestured for him to join you.

      "Septer Four has been on a catching spree lately." You sighed as Yata settled in next to you. "Saru's on a mission for that right now. Some rowdy strain in the fashion district." You glanced over at Yata. He looked upset. "You okay, Yata?"

      "I still don't get why he joined you blues." He said blues in a sort of hiss. When he realized who he was talking to he scrambled to fix it. "No offense!" He was nervous and kind of scared.

      "Hey, I've said HOMRA with the same venom." You put a hand on his shoulder. "You're fine, Yata." He calmed down.

      "You never told me how you ended up with, ya know." He waved his hand as if waving the name away. "Him." You chuckled.

      "We just got put on the same mission when he was a rookie." You shrugged. "Nothing special."

      "Yeah, but why'd you start," His cheeks flushed. "dating?" He looked up at the sky.

      "He's cute." You laughed when he cringed. "He made sure I realized that he was a good swordsman and that he'd know how to treat me." Yata's face was basically a tomato.

      "And you fell for that?"

      "Didn't you?" You laughed as he fell off the wall in embarrassment. As he stood back up, recovering from his predicament, you came up with an idea. "Oh, you should teach some tricks." You jumped down from the wall.

      "What do you mean?" He put his foot on his board and pushed it back and forth.

      "I used to ride a skateboard when I was younger, but I never was so into it to learn tricks." You looked down at the board. "Just some simple stuff, please, Yata." You picked up Yata's bat for him and handed it to him as he thought it over.

      "Sure, why not." He kicked his board into his hand. "I know a good spot."

      Yata took you to a semi-secluded place that had enough room to do basic tricks and jumps. As you approached the clearing Yata dropped his board and pushed off. He did a turning stop when he got into the middle of the clearing. He looked back at you with a smile on his face.

      "Let's get started." He gestured for you to come over. "Show me what you can do." You nodded and rode around, did some turns, and some small jumps when you needed to. Just the basic things you learned when you used to ride.

      "Not much, but I can ride." You stopped in front of him.

      "You're better than most people I've seen." He eyed your stance and helped you stand right. He taught you to do a kick flip and an ollie. You practiced for a while and got pretty good. When you landed a perfect ollie, Yata came over and gave you a congratulatory hug.

      "What the hell do you think your doing, Misaki?" Yata pushed you away and let his aura surround him. You narrowed your gaze at Saruhiko.

      "You both promised not to fight!" You stood between them.

      "He was hugging you." Saruhiko drew his sword.

      "Saru, it was just a hug!" You pleaded.

      "To Misaki, that's like full blown sex." Saruhiko chuckled at Yata's red face. "I'm right, aren't I, Misaki!"

      "Shut it, Monkey!" Yata ran past you and started the fight with Saruhiko. You sighed at the sight of Saruhiko's blue clashing with Yata's red. You summoned your aura and willed your sword to appear on your hip. It's something that only certain Blue Clansmen can do, and it took you a long time to master.

      "(Y/l/n), Emergency draw." You said just loud enough for yourself to hear. Your hilt clicked and you drew your sword. Just as the boys were about to clash again you intercepted Yata and pushed him back, you then turned and did the same with Saruhiko. You placed your sword back into its hilt and stood between them again.

      "This isn't over, Misaki." Saruhiko chided. You waved a goodbye to Yata before you helped Saru up and led him out of the clearing.

      "It was just a hug, Saru." He brought you into a hug, pulling you close, running his fingers through your hair, and slightly pushing his knee into your crotch. Your heart was racing.

      "So is this, and you want to go home don't you." He backed away. He put his hand to your cheek and brought you into a kiss. "Let's go home." He said against your skin.

      "You're so jealous." You chuckled at him. He grabbed your hand and led you home to show you why him being jealous isn't such a terrible thing for you.

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