9 | Allusive

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Jungkook POV.

I took careful steps towards Jimin hyung's bedroom door. It has been around... 3 hours since we came home, I guess? He has been in there the entire time. He hasn't come out for dinner or anything... I heard he told Suga hyung he wasn't hungry when he went to call him out too.

I am gonna try my luck anyway...

With sweaty palms, I knocked the door of his room. The anxious wait started, no evident noise for a couple of eternal seconds. And then suddenly the door cracked half open and his eyes became visible through the little gap.

I gulped in nervousness and put my hand on the door from the outside.

- Jiminie hyung?

- What? -He replied immediately. 

Okay okay what do I say?

- Um... Can I come in? -I asked with a whole lot of hope that he wouldn't be that cruel to shut a door on my face.

A while passed with him just staring and then he opened the door of the room, revealing his whole body behind it. He was wearing a hoodie and some sweatpants, casual house wear.

- Yes you can come in. -He said blankly as he moved to the side. YES!

He still looks mad but if he hears me out I'm sure we can solve this... He l-loves me too, doesn't he? How do you turn your back on someone you love? You can't... right?

I quietly walked to his bed, trying to make no sound with the light steps I took. I took a seat on it and raised my eyes to meet Jimin hyung's that were fixed on me the whole time. He was still in the same spot where he was when he opened the door.

What do I say? How do I start now?

I opened my mouth to at least start with some small talk, but to my surprise, Jimin hyung completely ignored my presence, got out of the room and shut the door, leaving me alone inside.

What the hell?!

- Is he serious right now? –I rose from my seat and pointed to the door in annoyance. –I can't believe you Jimin-ssi!

This is too... hurtful. I sank back unto his bed, words clogged up my throat and a worry ate me up from inside. What if... what if he never talks to me again?

This whole thing is wrong... This is not how it was supposed to be. I was the one not talking to him, I was the one giving him attitude. He wasn't supposed to turn the tables and make me feel guilty about what I stood up for.

He knew why I was annoyed too! I couldn't stand it anymore! How are we supposed to have intimacy or a close relationship if he doesn't want to get close to me, or doesn't allow me to get close to him with the same excuse that 'Someone might see...'? Every time I tried to approach or even compliment him or something –which I thought he liked- he always pushed me back and kept getting fearful of someone's sight landing on us any minute... I am just... fed up with it... I waited years to open up to him and finally after I told him how I felt... He can't just act like it doesn't mean anything. Just because we are scared that someone will see, will we keep on staring at each from opposite sides of coaches for the rest of our lives?

It's not right... This is not a right amount of fear. Jimin hyung is exaggerating everything! And now he is punishing me with this silence and ignorance because I am trying to make a point-

Hold on.

Jimin POV.

I smirked internally when I found him sitting in the same spot as I opened the door of my room and got inside.

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