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Jimin POV.

I'm having a weird feeling in my stomach. Something is making me wonder why I suddenly identify so much with every piece of object that is in here. Even the softness of the cover I run my hand over is familiar... Even those folded clothes, what looks like a white shirt and a pair of jeans... And then this intoxicating smell that is becoming stronger and stronger as I awaken...

I feel like I'm time-travelling, I feel like I'm placed in a mystery box, like an escape room with a story that I'm a part of. 

I get irked with the noise of spoon hitting pan that comes from outside the room. 

- So the person is here? -I whisper to myself and take careful steps towards the door of the bedroom. I bite my lips in an anticipation about turning the knob and stepping outside or not. Maybe I should just sneak out?

But wouldn't that be rude? I should at least thank them for letting me crash here and waking up one-piece... 

After battling with myself for minutes I decide to go out. I need to be brave. I slowly turn the knob and as soon as my head pops out, the smell of fried eggs and pancakes washes me over even stronger. I close my eyes and pull it in, humming in the meantime. 

I'm hungry now...

I slowly make it outside the room, realizing that I'm on the second upper floor of the house. There only are the bedroom I slept in and a bathroom on this floor. The walls are wooden and newly painted, which reminds me of-


I tiptoe barefoot down the stairs because my shoes weren't in the room. Decreasing my eyes in caution as I take the steps down one by one, I try to be as quiet as possible to not make any sound. Wooden floors tend to be squeaky, my own house is like that, so I know well how to step so no noise comes out. 

Downstairs is the living room. I look at the sides, realizing that there is another space right, presumably the kitchen, since the sounds are coming from there. I wish I could see the kitchen from the edge of the stairs, I could escape if I sensed anything weird but it's an enclosed space so I can't see anything. 

Breathing in and out quietly, I eye the living room in curiosity.

This is a super cozy house, wow!

There is even a fireplace!

I find the urge to step inside and look closely at the space and I do so. I walk on the carpet, enjoying the warmth from the fireplace heating my legs up. 

These cute frames hanging on the wall are so pretty. There is a scenery one, there are some caricatures, and then another one that looks like a handmade painting. 

And then my eyes catch the three frames sitting on the little coffee table on the edge of the room.

Oh look, it's me and Jungkook, haha.

I turn around to watch more of the house-


I jump in place as I stare carefully at the frames again. 


Is this a joke?!

I get closer to the frames and the closer I get the more real they look. 

I can feel my hand shaking as I reach out to one of the pictures.

I have goosebumps. My heart is racing on my throat and my body is burning. I feel dizzy as my eyes come and go between him and me, and I still don't get it.

Why are these pictures here?!

What the fuck is this place?!

I blink, feeling breathless and dizzy. 

There are million things going through my mind, yet I can't identify any specific thoughts. It's like I'm having a mental breakdown and I am rolling around in a ball that is taking me to my past. 

And at that instance I feel like I lost my mind, because with all the familiar boyish cheerfulness in its element, I hear his voice.

"Jiminie hyung! Did you sleep well, hyung?"

[A/N: You thought bitches, there is a sequel for this bread. Check out next slide for the cover teaser and all that juicyness.]

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