First Impressions

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It was a strange sight to behold when the eight youtubers joined the next day. The server had been whitelisted so none of the youtubers crazy fans came on. In the jungle stood an iron golem, a wolf, a ocelot, a chest and 13 players. 5of these were friends of the three agents ever since the agents first adventure. These five players were batmattman, PEASGaming, TAFSLovesAnime, AaronAardvarkbaby64 and jaycreepyspeech. These five players stood with the agents as the youtubers spawned. The chest in the jungle was between the youtubers and the agents. Ontop of the chest was a sign that said


The youtubers opened the chest to find, what seemed to be paper? They each grabed one and heard a voice 'Hello!' The youtubers jumped up in surprise. The 5 players that were with the agents had a little giggle. 'Hello' said the voice again as the ocelot walked forward, 'I am agent O.P.O.' The youtubers stood there, in processing mode until Agent O.P.O walked off and jumped onto the chest with the sign. 'I don't blame you for being confused.' It was a different voice. As it spoke the player with the username of PEASGaming walked forward ' I will explain on the way but for now the agents have to go speak with Steve Fury' The youtubers had a laugh at the name Steve Fury and followed the agents and the 5 players.

Soon a conversaton sparked between the youtubers and the 5 players about their skins. ASFJerome had a good look at batmattman's skin, which was a bacca, like Jerome's but instead of Jerome's suit, the bacca wore a pink hoodie with a diamond axe on the back. All of the youtubers laughed at AaronArdvarkbaby64's skin, as it was a man with no pants, so you could see his underwear, which had pink pokadots. The youtubers constantly laughed at TAFSLovesAnime's skin. PEASGaming had pranked her by changing her skin to the skin PEAS had made for her older sister. Her older sister had a mental disibility so her sister related better to 5 year olds the girls her own age. This meant she liked seaseme street so PEAS made Big Bird her skin. Now TAFS was Big Bird and everytime PEAS thought the youtubers were over laughing about it, they looked at TAFS and started laughing and laughing again. jaycreepyspeech had a simple skin of a boy with blond hair in a blue creeper hoodie.

PEASGamings skin was something all the youtubers enjoyed. She had a reference for almost every single one of the youtubers. The most obivous was right on the front. A gold ingot, or budder to Sky's fans. Another was a Diamond Axe and bow crossed over each other on the back of her shirt, which represented the BaijainCanadian and The Bacca, these were their two weapons of choice. The other three references were not so obvious but PEAS had purple and pink streaks n her skin's hair which cupquakes hair was the inspiration for. PEAS had two slime faces on her boots, which referenced Captain Sparkelz pet slime, Jerry. Lastly, she had red headphones, which was inspired by deadlox's black ones with the green middle.

The youtubers were concentrating so much on skins, that they didn't relise where they were going until they got there. They were in a cave, deeper than the Agent V.W.W's one back at the snowy forest, but this one still had only one path to follow. They were at a deadend. Agent O.P.O ran in a circle on a vein of coal in the ground, meowed, then slowly turned around on a block of iron ore that was in the ground. The deadend opened up, much like it did at the snowwy forest, and opened up to another underground science lab, made of iron bloks, but this one had an armoury as well.

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