The First Battle

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Ssundee POV

Sky ran away from the river. He freaked. Who can blame him. I can't. I grab the iron sword PEAS gave me. I run towards the squids, PEAS is a block behind me. We dive into the water, I hear splashes behind me. I try to swing my sword, but it didn't even hurt the squid I tried to attack. Blame water and phsyics. I swim to the shore while yelling ' we can't hurt them while they are in the water.' I see people swimming towards me, I think thats everyone. I sigh, no one is hurt. I feel something on my leg.

oh shit.

I am pulled under the water, the squids gather around me. I feel tentacles around my arm, legs and even my neck. I have to hold my breath. I hear a splash, I move my neck just enough to see Lancey swimming towards the squids. He is mad. His angry face in the distance is the last thing I see till everything goes black.

Lancey's POV

I hear a yelp. I look to the river shore and see Ian being dragged into the water by a squid. The squids gather around him. The others see me dive after him, I know their behind me, but they are too far away. I see him look at me, the squids hold on to his arms and legs. His eyes look like they are pleading for help. His eyes close and I swim to the surface for air. The squids coontinue to swim away with him. I can see the ocean, once the squids reach the ocean, it will be impossible for me to catch up. I haul myself up onto the shore and sprint after the squids. But I am too late, the squids disappeared when they reached the ocean depths. I failed Ian.

Cupquake POV [ you didn't expect that ;] ]

I see Lancey dive after Ian. It will be impossible for him to catch up to the squids. I see him surface, and haul himself up onto the land. He sprints along the beach and I sprint after him. He sits down looking at the ocean, crying. I put my hand on his shoulder and whisper to him 'Its going to be alright.' But I am not sure if it will be.

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