Stupid First Impressions - Part 12

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[For any Americans reading this: football to me is soccer to you!]

Chapter 12

Everything started going wrong, really, the next day when I was walking back from Geoffrey’s. The sun was starting to set and the whole study session had gone really well. Tessie had been there too, working on her own homework, and it had been peaceful. I had felt comfortable. The awkwardness between Geoffrey and I had dissipated entirely and he was back to behaving like his usual cocky self. We even watched a movie, once all of my work was out of the way. And the hug Geoffrey gave me as I left lasted longer than usual, setting off a series of fuzzy feelings from my toes to my head, until the whole world was sparkling and bright. I couldn’t imagine a single thing in the world could ruin my good mood. Which, I suppose, is why two things came to foul everything up.

“Well, look who it is,” Gemma said in her loud, obnoxious way. I can’t believe that never bugged me before. “I bet I can guess where you’re coming from,” she continued, a sneer curling her lip as she turned to Marigold conspiratorially.

“Oh, and like I’d get a prize for guessing where you two just were,” I said, more boldly than I felt. “It’s just so weird, I would never have pegged you as up for a threesome Gem. I mean, last I checked, didn’t the bible say homosexuality is wrong?” I chided, feigning concern. I had to admit, it felt good to watch both of their jaws drop and Gemma’s face go purple with anger. “Anyway, if you don’t mind, it’s getting late and I have to get home.”

“Oh no you don’t,” Marigold hissed, her luminous blue eyes narrowed to slits. Her perfectly manicured nails bit into my skin as she gripped my wrist and I looked down, more in surprise than pain. “Just who the hell do you think you are?” she demanded, yanking me down to her level.

“I’m sorry, I thought I’d introduced myself,” I said, starting to feel a little angry that she still had hold of my wrist. “Amy, remember? I’m kind of surprised you didn’t take my name along with the rest of my life, actually. Although,” I said coldly, a hard smile settling on me, “I’ll admit I don’t need a best friend who would turn her back on me for a blonde hair-blue eye midget who seriously needs an attitude adjustment and might need a splint for those fingers if she doesn’t take them off of me.”

We stood there glaring at one another for a second longer before Marigold let out a tinkling laugh that made the hair on my arms stand on end. I yanked my arm back and stumbled a little as she let go. “Wow, you’re just pathetic, aren’t you,” Marigold giggled, covering her mouth delicately. “I mean, resorting to threats? I would just love to see you try it you bitch.”

“Oh, wow, ‘I’d like to see you try it’? How old are you, six? And it’s not a threat if I mean it,” I glared, feeling a little pathetic but trying not to show it. “And I wouldn’t be so quick to throw names around, given what you’ve been getting up to lately Marigold.”

It had been a bluff but from the panicked look Marigold through Gemma I guess I hit a sore spot. I barely had time to react before Marigold had hold of my hair and had dragged me painfully to her level again, hissing in my ear.

“If you even think about telling Luke, think again. Because you’re just a jealous little whore who didn’t get what she wanted and has to make up lies to get attention – and everyone knows it.”

And with that Marigold and Gemma flounced away from me, shoving past me. I rubbed at my scalp for a moment, wondering what I was getting myself into. I waited until Marigold and Gemma were definitely out of sight before walking along slowly, trying to get my thoughts in order. So, clearly, Marigold wasn’t as wonderful and fabulous as she had first appeared – and Luke was getting caught up in that mess. Which apparently didn’t matter to Gemma, who should have been helping to save him from such a beast.

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